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General Discussion

why is carnival joey deacon a bully?

01 Aug 2008 13:05

has everyone else noticed how this man joey deacon trys to bully everyone?

01 Aug 2008 13:21

Welcome to the world of Council/Roundtable types. They think they own Dawlish and use our Town just to collect money for themselves. The Deacon is indicative of there type.....and most certainly a bully.

01 Aug 2008 17:09

Recognise any of these from your postings Deacon?

You will not post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

01 Aug 2008 17:38

Joey Deacon! Here is a tester for you.
Why has the Ugly Duckling, (opposite the Co-op) in case you didn't know, had to go through the trauma of applying for planning permission to place some tables and chairs on a walk way that no one uses outside of their Resturant?
And the Gay's Creamery, who has not applied for any planning permission to place tables and benches on land opposite their shop in the Brunswick?
I also notice that you have made no comment on the refurbishment both inside and out of Bailey's and the Beach Cafe. Is that not a plus for Dawlish?

Joey Deacon
Joey Deacon
01 Aug 2008 17:52

Hi Viaduct.

I assume you mean the public footpath outside the Dawlish Grill?

I think that the reason for having to apply for planning permission would be something to do with the law. I may be wrong there however...

So, I suggest you ask someone who knows and who cares.

As I have written on here before, the refurbishment of Baileys is excellent! Hopefully the standards of cleanliness will match it.


01 Aug 2008 18:02

Roughly translated Viaduct.....he only cares about the businesses who are within the circle and those who shake the hand.... He says he's proud of Dawlish, but, along with his cronies, he is happy to divide it.

Visitor to Dawlish
Visitor to Dawlish
01 Aug 2008 19:00

I thought The Ugly Duckling had been granted permission to put the tables and chairs back out on that unused path yet when I have visited Dawlish they haven't been there.

Why is that?

01 Aug 2008 19:06

As I understand it (and Joey Deacon has got it wrong as usual)It is the path to the side of the Ugly Duckling, not the bloody main footpath that runs in front of it "hammer head."

Planning permission has not yet been granted and being the good proprietors they are, they will not mess with Authority.

01 Aug 2008 19:36

You have to be in the 'inner circle' of Council and Roundtable to see your business treated fairly. Otherwise you will notice the cold shoulder....

Talking of 'inner circle', everyone should pay attention to all the recent planning applications by Dawlish Councillors. They work so hard for us, don't they?

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
01 Aug 2008 21:24

Hammerhead now who uses a term like that.....thats right Roy...when he's posting as hammerhead...another slip up from the Dawlish hater.

i think you'll find the tables and chairs have now been in place for at least a month at the side and back of the Ugly Duckling.

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