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General Discussion

This is too big to cover up. Torrential downpours apparently have polluted large stretches of South Devon coastline. Anyone for a swim? Not!

Agree with City breaks. Beach holidays for chavs who want creosoted orangey-brown skin to go with their soap-actor stained white teeth. Fake and wrong

Those Blue Flags don't look to stand for anything with pollution like this. Do you think we will get another cover up?

4 Aug 2008

South Devon beaches fail mandatory quality standards. Two beaches are closed. What does this mean for the rest of the coast, regarding water flow and tides? Is this the result of Global warming?

Thank heavens. People with intelligence who ask important questions. The thing is, can we truly trust our Councillors?

hello Marine Tavern! Food still awful? Whats it like to still be in the 70's?


Thing is will you live until you are Old?

4 Aug 2008

Marine Tavern Fixtures and fittings as old as the customers! Very old!

Plymouth Argyle + 25