"Anyway, are you suggesting that if by some miracle it did re-open, that this would impact Dawlish?" Yes.
Take a look at this http://www.devonnewscentre.info/business/better-rail-services-vital-for-south-wests-economic-health/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+devonnewscentre%2FmYGs+%28News+Centre%29 toward the bottom it talks about "the implementation of a service from Okehampton to Exeter and the re-opening of the line from Plymouth and Bere Alston to Tavistock".
Mmmmm.....wouldn't be yet another government proposal would it that wasn't totally thought through before it was announced?
Not yet. Whatever I get back I'll post and if I don't get anything back I'll post the fact that I haven't had anything back, in which case I might also write a letter to local paper (just for a change!) about not having a response and local labour being used etc etc. But I'll give them a few days or so yet before I decide what to do. In the meantime..........if any of you reading this know of ...
Why is the government attacking those it loves to praise the most - working families. This article makes for an interesting and thought provoking read. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/mar/01/tax-credits-cut-tories-working-families?intcmp=239
First part of this newspaper article talks about the increase in hours required wef 6.4.12 and the financial impact of the loss of working tax credit if the couple cannot work the new number of hours required. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/mar/04/working-tax-credit-changes-postponed?newsfeed=true
So, if as you say that "at over 42k no-one needs child benefit from the taxes of others" because those earning that amount wouldn't be poor, then doesn't it follow that couples who between them earn that amount or more also don't need CB? I'm not saying that's what I would advocate - just that it's how I see your argument could be developed.
If you are presently eligible for working tax credit/child tax credit you may be affected by the changes due to take place wef 6.4.12. This link should give you some info. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/TaxCredits/DG_194914 Note the new rules for the increase in hours needing to be worked (minimum of 24 per week in total) for a couple to be able to claim working tax credit. ...
Libby, Thanks for letting me know about CB and how it is deducted from Income Support. I had no idea that happened. Still, not to worry though, 'cos we all know she'll nontheless be living a life of luxury on all those other state hand outs she's no doubt getting. (I say that extremely sarcastically by the way).
Am I correct in thinking that if a couple get child benefit then that is paid to the main child carer (usually, but not always, a woman) and that if the couple can also claim tax credit of some kind (working tax credit and child tax credit) then the main child carer also gets that tax credit paid to them? Or is the tax credit somehow split between the two of them? Whatever, what I'm getting at ...