Hi mate. If all you can get are baby ones, then to help the eco system, I would leave them alone so that they can grow and increase. I understand what Elvis is saying but I have purchased Muscels from Lidl a few times, with different sauces, and found them most delightful. I apologise that I couldn't be of more help to you.
Great one Elvis.
@ Mobeen Dabigman Agreed. It wouldn't have hurt to have put an announcement in the local paper thanking everybody for their support with the amount raised as well.
@Lynne I was waiting for a bus at 12:45 and saw it being loaded onto a carnival vehicle, so he could be in the parade.
Let's hope that there are no gorillas placed near it.
On the BBC website. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-45119793/crazy-golf-peeping-kong-statue-unnerves-devon-residents Link Clickable.
Hi All. Anyone else noticed the drastic drop in the water pressure? Next stop, Hose Pipe Ban?
I used to read the Victor when I was a kid. Happy days indeed.
I have had enough of the nasty venemous opinions of majorp and others and given them a blast in this post of mine. I will get reported and kicked off this site. Bye all.
I see that the Israrli troops backed by the good old Stars & Stripes slaughtered another 9 Palestenians today.