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Earlier this week I emailed TDC asking them about the Sainsbury £200,000 S106 money. I have just received this in response. "Thank you for your e-mail about the Sainsbury’s Town Centre money. I can confirm that we received £202,751.89 on 4 March 2011 and the “spend by” date is 4 March 2021. The agreement says “Towards cost of projects aimed at sustaining the vitality and viability ...

So Leave voters are all racists, the Remainers forgot to throw in the other usual insults; that we are all thick, uneducated, Daily-Mail-reading scum.  And if immigration and racism are inextricably linked, does that then mean every country in the world which has immigration rules is also racist?

16 Nov 2018

@Lostit . every one has there own opinion. if we are not locked in to anything, why do we need the negotiations to break away? the agreement that is on the table is so far the best that can be done for the moment. There is free movement across the Irish border now, and so far it has worked well, because we are both in the EU. But, if we come out then the EU will dictate how that border is ...

16 Nov 2018

More on Northern Ireland: 1. Majority of those who voted in N.I wished to Remain in the EU. 2. The Democratic Unionist Party (note the word Unionist) argued for Leave. 3. Since the outcome of the snap general election in 2017 the 10(?) DUP MPs have supported the Conservatives in parliament. Without the DUP MPs the Conservatives would not have a majority. 4. Both the Conservative Party ...

16 Nov 2018

I wonder how many people in England, Wales and Scotland thought about Brexit and its impact and complications with regard to the island of Ireland. I know it didn't enter my head until the ramifications and complications of it all came to the fore after June 2016. As I understand it.......... where the EU and a  non EU country has a border that border has to be a hard one. (there are ...

15 Nov 2018

@ majorp : we are not locked into anything. All that has been done so far is the cabinet, on 14/11/18, agreed on the text for delivery to the EU Commission, for that body to accept or reject. This then has to go before the House to be accepted by parliament. As it stands today, 15/11/18, the UK is in the EU. If you have listened to the commentary from today, by numerous MPs/analylists/etc, this ...

Maybe a tasteful bandstand would revitalise the town like the Strand alterations the Cycle Path and the new golf at Tucks Plot i could imagine thousands flocking to see such a wonderful thing.

Brexit - Part 1
15 Nov 2018

Why are those who voted out racist may it be that you are confusing racism with immigration the two have no connection whatsoever.

15 Nov 2018

All the first time voters will think twice when the EU form the' EU Army' ..they will be called to serve anywhere the EU say.

15 Nov 2018

Who got us into this fine mess? The racists who voted out, that's who! I voted against entering the EC back in the 70's but accepted the fact that now we are in, let's make the most of it. I'm standing by for lot's of abuse now.