Okay - just checked the taps again - a dribble. Checked next door - neighbour has the same problem but tells me that she knows of others nearby who have no supply at all. We are talking Higher Drive and Lower Drive area but of course others in other streets may be affected as well. I have now reported the fault to South West Water. Update:SWW have just phoned back (blimey there's ...
Water, water everywhere but nothing coming through my pipes! Anyone else lost their water supply? Mine was okay until about 10 minutes ago.
One of the ways the 'problem' of the state pension is being addressed is by raising the age at which people will become eligible to claim it. Up until only a few years ago women who turned 60 were eligible to claim their state pension or whatever their NI contributions entitled them to claim wef their 60th birthday. The state pension age for women is increasing such that women born in 1954 and ...
http://www.easier.com/120672-barratt-takes-wraps-off-new-development-dawlish.html http://www.barratthomes.co.uk/new-homes/devon/H629501-The-Buntings/
Goes to show how you have to look behind the un/employment figures that are published in the press. Here's what Channel 4 news has to say on employment in London and employment elsewhere in the country. http://www.channel4.com/news/london-north-south-divide-cities (My point being, just in case you wondered, is that just because London in particular is creating jobs that doesn't ...
Been away in London for a few days (anyone want to know what a local Dawlish Ukiper said to me about that please let me know 'cos I'll be only too pleased to tell) and came back to see a request from MC that we should perhaps have more local and less national politics. Happy to oblige Michael. I see in this week's Dawlish Post that the number of Job Seekers in Teignbridge bucked the national ...
Anyone want to bet on interest rates staying low until after May 2015? http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/23/interest-rate-rise-bank-of-england Oh and apparently wages have been keeping up with the cost of living (well....according to the government) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25869001 # Hands up all those who feel better off now than they did four years or so ...
House prices may well have a big correction if interest rates go up. And it'll be due to all those defaulting on their mortgages because their salaries won't have kept up with the cost of living!
Or inflation may rise and so could interest rates. Either one could easily eat up any monies gained from tax cuts. And tax cuts do not necessarily mean an increase in disposable income - if, for example, an increase in income results in a drop in Housing Benefit/Tax credit entitlement.