look at the info on this link below for planning reasons why it should be refused This link will give you the planning info re his request for his mermaid statue to be sited in Teignmouth http://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=37977&p=0 note that it was recommended for refusal and the reasons why that recommendation was made. There is nothing to stop anyone giving ...
I see from looking at the planning correspondence that Mr Nance has been in contact with Ken Dodd in Knotty Ash, Liverpool, seeking his support for this planning application. I imagine that is because of the "Happiness" connection. Might I suggest that if Mr Nance wishes this statue to be erected somewhere that he applies to whatever the name of the council is that covers Knotty Ash and request ...
What did he do with his mermaid statue when Teignmouth turned it down? http://www.westernmorningnews.co.uk/Concrete-mermaid-Teignmouth-beach/story-11724362-detail/story.html This link will give you the planning info re his request for his mermaid statue to be sited in Teignmouth http://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=37977&p=0 note that it was recommended for ...
I see from the planning documents that this application is to be decided by the planning committee ie district councillors. Well at least that might afford some entertaining debate and visible planning decision making rather than the decision being made, quietly, behind the scenes, by planning officers. BTW - a few years back I went up the road in Teignmouth that goes up towards Teignmouth ...
If it doesn't continue there will be many an elderly person in Dawlish who will desperately miss it as quite a few in that age group use it. They may have had cars in the past, or never at all, but they certainly don't own one now. I know because they are my neighbours. Without this bus service how will they (and others who live elsewhere on the bus route) get in and out of the town, to/from the ...
Is this the 186 service?
To return to the Statue of Happiness planning application. So, there I was in the middle of Italy (Tuscany/Umbria - land of Michaelangelo and da Vinci and goodness knows how many other renaissance artists) and I thought I'll just log on to see what's going on and I found this thread. OMG! Did you not hear my hoots of derisive laughter from all those hundreds of miles away? Oh the irony of ...
Oh, he's moved then. Didn't realise. And isn't it a Conservative councillor on Devon County Council representing a ward in Newton Abbot who lives in France?
@roberta - thanks for bringing that eod thread to my (and others?) attention. This business about TDC and the Warren. Take a look at the revenue they get from the car parks. To use a particularly apt expression those car parks and the revenue they generate is the goose that lays a golden egg for TDC. (£££££££ssssss). Would TDC shoot that goose? Could TDC afford to shoot that goose? Also ...