It's what it is information is patchy because the powers that be dont as yet understand how this virus works and all goverments around the world are just playing for time untill science finds the answers. I have just been reading a report from the WHA that hints this could go on until 2022 in some form or another to me this is going to carry on until a vaccine is available and that could take 12 ...
Our country and the world is upside down nothing appears real any more nobody talks to anyone, everyone, for the most part, are keeping their distance. So getting your head around this horror is so hard to imagine, its as if we are all playing a part in a horror movie. We have the American TV channel CNN pretty much on 24/7 with a lot more information. The US has a population of 330 million with ...
Spotlight interviewed a Devon farmer the other evening, and asked him if British workers ever came to pick the berries. He said 'yes, but they don't last more than 2-3 days'.
Don't forget the lazy b'stards on benefits, which there are over a million. Get them to do it or they get their benefits stopped.
get the lazy bees out of prison to do it, ffs I don't get it this. Won't they bring germs? Couldn't some the furlough people help?
Good resource of the actual numbers UK: World: The UK death rate at the moment is 167 per million of the population. You can look at the figures of the other countries who handled this better and tested aggressively.
A lot of the language is "died with Covid-19" not of. It is really difficult to get an accurate figure so they are using all cases where the patient had Covid-19 present. It is always difficult to work out who would have have died with or without Covid-19 present in their body. Better analysis will come but we are still gathering the data. We are only 6 months in of world wide cases and ...