But it might be the case in the not too distant future and as nothing is known at the moment I think it quite likely that there are Brits who have just put their retirement relocation plans on hold for the time being. And the thing is......if you are old enough to be retiring/retired then time isn't exactly on your side, is it? Whoever becomes prime minister of this country they can only ...
Just been watching a Place in the Sun and all those lovely villas in Spain that lots of Brits retire to. I wonder how many plans have now been put on hold by Brits thinking of relocating there for their twilight years. Amongst other issues would be that of the state pension. Think I'm right that if Brits retire to EU countries then as their state pensions increase so they get the ...
Chris Evans has gone now 'n all.
Depends what you want. A party in opposition or a party that has power because it is in government. I do not believe that Corbyn's version of the Labour party would ever get enough seats to be in government. To get enough seats to form a government you have to pull in the centre voters, and the flip/flop voters. I do not believe they would ever vote for a Labour party led by Corbyn. ...
@S - I said what I said above because I know for a fact of people who are (re)joining the Labour Party in the hope that they can help vote Corbyn out. I also know of Labour party members who gave him the benefit of the doubt before. But not now. He may be a man of principle and all sorts of other things but I for one do not see him as being a leader who can take the Labour Party back ...
@Gary Taylor - Yes, have to say I am a Ben Bradshaw fan. If I lived in Exeter, no doubt about it, I would vote for him.
Yes I agree that thousands of people are going back to Labour due to Corbyn. But that doesn't necessarily make them supporters of Corbyn.......
Got anyone in mind?
BTW - there was a planning meeting at TDC last Tuesday where the planning application for 409 or so new dwellings at Gatehouse Farm was passed. This development should have had a 25% Affordable Housing requirement. It was agreed however that it should have 17.5%. And of course the developers can always go back to TDC planners sometime in the future and plead that even that amount ...
Back on one of the many different Leave or Remain threads I seem to remember my expressing my concerns that elements of the Brexit campaign concerning immigrants to this country, might end up opening a not very nice Pandora's Box.......