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General Discussion

Brexit - Part 1
25 Nov 2018

I don't know what news you are following, but everything I am seeing says May's deal hasn't got a chance of being passed by parliament.  Leavers and Remainers are united in their condemnation of it.

25 Nov 2018

So we will be leaving without a deal then, May's treachery will not get through parliament and will bring about her demise.  Good stuff.

21 Nov 2018

The deal May has agreed means that because of the Irish border issue we remain tied to EU regulations until a satisfactory deal is found, that means, in effect, we need the Brussel's  permission to fully leave the EU.  Until then we cannot formulate our own independent trade policy and make trade deals around the world.  The EU does want a successful indepenent trading nation on its doorstep, it ...

21 Nov 2018

We had over 40 years for the EEC/EC/EU to prove itself, and then the majority decided it wasn't worth it and they no longer wanted to be part of the club.  Unfortunately Treason May has other ideas, and we won't be leaving after all.

20 Nov 2018

Michael Portillo made the same analogy on last Thursday's This Week programme: Mr Portillo said the European Union “humiliated” Britain in its Withdrawal Agreement which has been ridiculed by both Brexiteer and Remainer politicians. Speaking on BBC This Week, Mr Portillo said: “I think the European Union has made a strategic error, short of marching Mrs May into a railway carriage in ...

Roger Kendrick spoke at the CBI conference where cameras were present, I am absolutely sure  he would have made his point even if cameras were not there.  The CBI has steadfastly supported Remain, so it was no surprise his comments did not go down well, Treason May was amongst friends.  She doesn't do awkward events/interviews.

@Losit You seem befuddled. The ECHR and ECJ are two entirely separate entities.  And if all goes well, the ECJ will soon have no power in the UK.

Brexit - Part 1
17 Nov 2018

Negotiations on the UK side are being conducted by Olly Robbins who was once Principal Private Secretary to Tony Blair, and while studying at Oxford  was president of the Oxford Reform Club, a group promoting a federal EU.  So we have a Remain Prime Minister and the chief negotiator is of the same ilk.  No wonder we are where we are. Michael Portillo made a very good point on Thursday's This ...

16 Nov 2018

So Leave voters are all racists, the Remainers forgot to throw in the other usual insults; that we are all thick, uneducated, Daily-Mail-reading scum.  And if immigration and racism are inextricably linked, does that then mean every country in the world which has immigration rules is also racist?

15 Nov 2018

Ted Heath in 1973.

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