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General Discussion

The Strand
5 May 2013

Agree!!! cant see how the big delivery/refuse lorries or fire engine are going to get through without mounting pavement, pedestrianisation!!!!! This was the one oppurtunity to get it right for the good of the town, as far as I can see its a cock up, sorry if some of you think thats negative, but I was positive at the start but have gradually become totally disallusioned with it all. What does the ...

the chaos of the wall and strand

4 May 2013

that may be true leatash, but my job is at risk, how many more will be jobless after this debacle!!!

4 May 2013

The town is dead at the moment and when this is all finished I think thats all we will have in the winter the Coop, the rest will be closed until Easter. Maybe this was the aim all along, I bet you are glad you moved

4 May 2013

Excuse me wondering bugger what the visitors think !!!! what do the people who live here think!!!! we have tried to support the town all year round and now find we have been kicked in the teeth. The shops are losing £1000s a week at the moment how many are going to survive???? the only time I go down the Strand now is to work, rest of the time shop in Teignmouth or Aldi

4 May 2013

I think its as near as damn pedestrianised now anyway, when finished it will be just through traffic which was option B. They are all liars, lead us to believe parking would be allowed on lawnside and then sneakily revised it. I saw nothing to say the plans were being revised. Goodbye Dawlish Shops welcome to seasonal Coffee and Cafe Lounges

4 May 2013

Walked down the Strand this morning and was wondering if somebody can tell me what the big square of paving is outside Ryders , looks like its going to be difficult to get a large lorry/fire engine past there, have they cocked up again and made the pavement too wide!!!

30 Apr 2013

Whats the point its because of the relevant authorities that we are in this mess!!

30 Apr 2013

couldnt agree with you more, Ive forgotten what its like to shop in the town!!!!

Universal Benefits
30 Apr 2013

I can sympathise with that I cant understand why everything has to be done online!!!

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