As the resignation letters are the intellectual property of Linda and John Petherick surely it is perfectly feasible that Linda and John Petherick have let certain people in the town have sight of them. Including me!
Then L & J P will need to pursue it then (if they so wish).
Believe I read in the Gaz a few weeks back that Linda and John Petherick have made an official complaint to TDC concerning his comments about them.
On the 2010/11 issue of the parish poll. I can't remember the exact make up of the town council at that time but I believe it was comprised of of Lib Dems and Tories with the Tories in control. Anyone know otherwise?
Have now been told by TDC that 10 electors in South West ward have also called for a by election. Elections will be held on Thursday 29 June to fill one vacancy on each of the three wards of Dawlish Town Council. The Notice of Election will be published on Wednesday 24 May. Click on this link for the timetable for proceedings.
Up to date info on these casual vacanices: With regard to the 1x vacancy in Central ward and the 1x vacancy North East ward I understand from TDC that the requisite number of requests were received from 10 or more electors in each Ward to request that the vacancies be filled by way of a by-election. Whether the vacancies will be filled by a poll will be based on the number of nominations ...
According to the local newspaper Linda and John Petherick have reported the reason leading to their resignations to the appropriate officer at Teignbridge District Council..
So now yet another councillor has resigned. = Total of 3. Anyone know the reason(s) why? Just curious. If anyone's interested in filling this vacancy there is info in the latest Dawlish Gazette or alternativey contact the town clerk.
Seems it's your turn now webmaster............. (no doubt followed very shortly by its being mine?)
@webmaster - well said! (and on another matter - many thanks!)