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General Discussion

I have long since disposed of said letter. It was not a solicitors letter it merely said they were seeking legal advice over my breach of copyright.It was signed by Barry Dunn, Sue Purser, Maggie Farley,Dave Farley and Michael Butterfield. I believe the webmaster received the same

6 Aug 2015

They have reinstated Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues events.I think the copyright issue isactually to do with posting pics of programme pages. If you physically put the events copying from the programme up I understand thats not copyright. I was involved in this last year and had a letter threatening to sue

Small garden waste collections can be done by this service for a reasonable fee

Dawlish Royalty
4 Aug 2015

It looks like Dave took part in the walking entry as hes in the pics on their website dressed as a Leprechaun

4 Aug 2015

They have not been to Carnivals recently with the float as Dave Farley cant drive at the moment, so they have been doing a walking entry as the Float Crew but not the Royalty.. I dont know if thats a pic from last year as I refuse to buy the prog. Are the directors dressedas Leprechauns in the pic ?

Typical politicians/councillors promise one thing and do the complete opposite !!!! Instead of portaloos why didnt they put in the ones like in Torquay /Unisex all bright shining stainless steel 20p to enter

2 Jul 2015

LOL thank you User 4549, he needs sacking !!!!!

26 Jun 2015

Thank you for your kind comments webmaster, perhaps you would like to tel purrrrfect as he says hes reported me to you for trolling

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