@Duckileaks - given the wheel's proximity to the lawn i think it counts as a subject for this thread and after all i did start the wheel theme off, sort of, by my suggesting that the brook might be an electricity generator. and as @flo has said - many thanks for the info about the wheel.
Perhaps the ex bastins premises should be converted into an indoor play centre? I suggest that on the basis that some seem to think that having an outdoor play area (ie playpark) on the lawn will draw in more punters who will then spend in the shops etc. So.........working on that hypothesis and given that it rains an awful lot in this country, it makes sense to me that an indoor playcentre (for ...
Oh and let's not forget Brexit and its negative effect on the recruitment and retention of EU national medical staff in the NHS. As I said at the beginning of this thread - let's hope there are enough NHS and care home staff to look after us in our old age. Because if they aren't recruited from abroad and we haven't got enough home grown ones, then just where are they supposed to be conjured ...
Now whilst we might want to debate why we are presently so short of home grown doctors and nurses given as how it seems we are, the shortage needs to be addressed. Other than importing them can you think of any other way of alleviating the shortage? Personally if me and mine are in need of medical attention I don't give a damn about the nationality of the person(s) who provide the ...
So is it immigrants and their descendants from what is known as the New Commonwealth (ie from countries in Africa and Asia) that is the issue? For that is what Powell was talking about, wasn't it?
and yet another interesting read https://21stcenturychallenges.org/how-will-britain-deal-with-an-ageing-population/
Japan, which has a pretty restrictive immigration policy, is suffering badly from an ageing population. How would all the immigrants leaving affect the UK’s demography? From what we know, the effect would be to increase the problem of an ageing population. The migrant population is younger than the British population, so we would instantly become an older society with fewer young people in it. ...
Mid-day - 8pm at the Strand centre, The Strand, Dawlish. Review looks at proposed planning in the district until 2040 and how development will be provided during that period. Go along and have your say.
For an informative read on post 1945 immigration to the UK have a look at this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_immigration_to_the_United_Kingdom
“relatively high levels of immigration are part of the price you pay for a successful economy.” “If we were to run up the draw bridge, the economy would suffer. It’s a simple choice – pure and poor, or diverse and rich.” www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11832744/Britains-economy-would-be-lost-without-immigration.html