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General Discussion

31 Mar 2008

Well good for you

31 Mar 2008

The figures published come from a government department as a result of exams results not locally so cannot be doctored.

31 Mar 2008

Funny ..... I've heard exactly the same about TCC. Go and have a look at both then make your own mind up.

31 Mar 2008

I know many people with a "degree" who are on the dole, so don't try and hit me with that one,having a degree does not make you a success in life, a lot of the richest and most successful people on the planet do not have degree's. Lets look at a case in point at a local level, the Barton boys, I know for a fact they do not have degree's, but are one of the richest families in the area, they got ...

30 Mar 2008

Whatever you do, DO NOT send them to DCC, bullying and drugs are rife there, most people bury heads in the sand and pretend it does not happen, BUT IT DOES, I have moved my son to TCC because of it, far better and teachers that care about the kids. But it's your call, I have seen a few comments on this forum about how good DCC is, I can only assume, it's written by someone who works there, you ...

Pub near station
30 Mar 2008

where was the Richmond then?

30 Mar 2008

best bet is to post ya email on here, then the ones intrested will contact u, but yer most are agaisnt it

jacko in devon???
30 Mar 2008

The Jackson family are very close to an idiot called Matt Fiddes, he runs Martial Arts schools all over the UK. He is a con man. Ask yourself this question, would you send yor kids to a guy who is friends with the Jacksons ?. If you go to his website, you will see he is pretty slick with his advertising, but that is where it ends.

29 Mar 2008

yes it is all ive got to look forward to!

29 Mar 2008

Definitely DCC gets my vote. My son goes there and his education has been outstanding. As long as your child tries to do their best it shouldn't matter which school they go to as both schools will try to develop their ability