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General Discussion

When I emailed the town council re the disappearing swans and waterfowl they informed me that the swans were their responsibility but the rest were wild therefore not their responsibility? I erased their answering email, othterwise would send it back with a ? I shall email them again.

16 Apr 2008 Sorry part of the web address was missing in the previous post, try this one

dom joly
15 Apr 2008

Any way you could put it on the web for us poor smucks who missed it?

15 Apr 2008

Anyone tape it????!

15 Apr 2008

dome jolly was brilliant last night hes so funny!

man alive
14 Apr 2008

I see the drugs have kicked in!

Fantastic service- reliable, friendly and clean cars. In a completely different league in comparison to Dawlish Taxis- did anyone see the wheel fall off of that 6-seater outside the Lansdowne!? Hilarious!

Funny how i get police officers, bouncers etc attending classes and courses to better there training. I also have PCSO's attending. anyway, this will be my last post on this subject, we all have our views on stuff in life, this is my hobbie and its what i enjoy doing. Lets all lead a better life and enjoy. Good luck all

13 Apr 2008

LOL. its a modern day we live in and knifes are a big factor at the moment in this country, i am not saying that civilians need to carry knifes as that is illegal. But being taught how to defend yourself against these lethal weapons should be good practise. The police officer who also teaches this system is the Director for Jim and this system has now been adopted into the police training. visit ...

13 Apr 2008

Your just reading about the Terrorism Survival course, the other training provided is no different to martial art training, but simple techniques and in expensive belt gradings etc. We all have our views on things but this is my hobbie and so far everyone who has taken the courses and training love it. I have also provided training to local companies such as estate agents etc and they have given ...