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Where on Earth is Osma Bin Laden??

Control Defence
Control Defence
12 Apr 2008 14:23

Jim Wagner Helps in search for Osma Bin Laden

Morgan Spurlock, famous for his 2004 hit film Super Size Me, and his television show 30 Days, released his newest movie called Where in the World is Osama bin Laden? distributed Weinstein Company. Last year Spurlock’s New York film production company Warrior Poets contacted Jim Wagner to teach the star how to survive his documentary film “mission” while looking for the most infamous man in the world – terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Goto the website for trailer of this upcoming movie this month.

12 Apr 2008 16:22

Not in Dawlish

13 Apr 2008 10:28

Does anyone really think that Osma Bin Laden had anything to do with 911, it was a false flag event, staged by the US government, to get them into Iraq and gain control of the oil. Wake up and smell the coffee for gods sake. And this Jim Wagner guy, who the hell does he think he is, if the whole US and British resorces can't find the guy who was set up for 911, do you really think he is going to. Get a life man, and stop this propaganda now.

13 Apr 2008 12:07

Anon dont agree with the US being involved with 9 11
Do agree about this propaganda, seems to me this organisation has a right wing right wing

13 Apr 2008 17:08

A good friend of mine told me about this site the other day and some of the nonsense that appears on here, having spent a little time looking at some of the threads, I can not beleive what I am reading. I live in Holcombe and my son is in Afghanistan fighting terrorism for real. I think it is about time this weekend warrior, whoever he is, and who keeps putting rubbish on here about how tough he and his friends are. If you really want to fight, then join the army like my son, you will soon find out how effective your training is. As a fromer soldier myself, I can tell you, not very my friend, I think Old Gent has it right, leave it to the professionals. I still have a few friends in the armed forces and will be doing a little digging on this Jim Wagner fellow. I would stop this nonsense now, before you or one of your "trainees" gets hurt.

13 Apr 2008 17:40

Your just reading about the Terrorism Survival course, the other training provided is no different to martial art training, but simple techniques and in expensive belt gradings etc.

We all have our views on things but this is my hobbie and so far everyone who has taken the courses and training love it. I have also provided training to local companies such as estate agents etc and they have given good views back.

I understand what your saying about the army and the stuff they have to go through, but this is simpler training for civilians which could one day save your life. Who knows!!

As i said before i provide training for females in my womens survival course which have proven a success.

In Jim's system, we teach what no one else does, First Aid, what to do after a fight in order to help the police, the law and the list goes on.

Please feel free to look further into Jim's system you will be surprised. his website is

Thanks for your views on this.

I was only sending out a message about the new film coming out soon, it would give you an idea.

13 Apr 2008 17:50

OK, further to my earlier post, I have had a look around the net for information on Jim Wagner. Here is a small paragraph from his website, where he is talking about a “self-defence knife”.

“We want a knife that will not only be the ultimate self-defense knife for martial artists and civilians, but one that the police and military will want as well” Dietmar Pohl said to me extending his beer glass towards me over the round table waiting for me to tap my glass against his. I answered, “I have the design here, and I know Boker is going to love it.” I then reached for my briefcase that sat leaning up against one of the legs of the polished wooden chair.

Are you people for real, you think we should carry knives now ?. What I am most surprised about, is the fact that one of
your “instructors” is a police officer. All I have to say is, how totally irresponsible and stupid you are. I can only imagine the sort of people you have attend your events. I see you call yourself “Reality Based Self Defence” I would suggest that you need a "Reality Check". I am sure my son and his friends in Afgan will find this most intresting, for them, it's not a "Hobby"

13 Apr 2008 17:58

LOL. its a modern day we live in and knifes are a big factor at the moment in this country, i am not saying that civilians need to carry knifes as that is illegal. But being taught how to defend yourself against these lethal weapons should be good practise.

The police officer who also teaches this system is the Director for Jim and this system has now been adopted into the police training. visit for informatino on this.

If they are using the system what does that tell you about it!!!!!!

On another notes, what are your views on traditional based martial arts teaching kids how to use swords, nuncuks, knifes, sticks double bladded knifes ...the list goes on.

Be interested to know your thoughts on this. One thing i can say is that i do NOT teach this to under 16's. Traditional based martial arts DO.

13 Apr 2008 18:03

The title Control and Defence does not suggest martial arts it is insidious.
My son in law is a policeman he knows nothing about it

13 Apr 2008 18:09

Funny how i get police officers, bouncers etc attending classes and courses to better there training.

I also have PCSO's attending.

anyway, this will be my last post on this subject, we all have our views on stuff in life, this is my hobbie and its what i enjoy doing.

Lets all lead a better life and enjoy.

Good luck all

police adopt Jim s system
police adopt Jim s system
13 Apr 2008 18:12


The Devon and Cornwall Constabulary has recently adopted Jim's Knife Survival principles into the force syllabus.

On Friday 25th January 2008, the UK director for Jim Wagner's Reality Based Personal Protection System, Pete Lee, taught all of the Force's Defensive Tactics Instructors.

The feedback from the Instructors was so positive that an immediate decision to adopt the methods was made by the head of Operations Training.

Jim's methods are being written into the syllabus and will be taught to the thousands of Officers in Devon and Cornwall over the next three to four months.

Comments made by Police Officers were:

"This isn't pretending that a knife encounter can be dealt with with no injuries. It is real but reduces the injury rate to the officer"

"It's really simple and can be picked up in no time"

"Opens officers eyes to the realities of a knife attack"

13 Apr 2008 23:20

It would seem that you do not like to be criticised. You keep telling us this is your "hobbie". If I WAS going to learn this sort of thing, I would go to a Professional, not someone who does this part time as a "hobbie". Like the previous post, I have spoken to 2 friends of mine in the police force, they also no nothing about this Jim Wagner guy or his training programme. It would seem that like some others I know, you consider yourself to be very clever, but like them, you think that everyone else is stupid and can not see through you. This is getting intresting. I will be talking to other "martial arts" people to get thier views on the matter, as well as a number of my friends in the armed forces.

g g
g g
13 Apr 2008 23:33

LOL please can one of you lot on here define terrorism for me

Wink wink
Wink wink
14 Apr 2008 14:54

I'm starting to think this thread, gg!

14 Apr 2008 15:23

Some years ago I was asked what is the difference between a murderer and an assassin.
All I could say to that was, "It defends who has met their death."
As kids we all watched cowboys and Indians where the Americans slaughtered millions of the natural inhabitants at that time. I do not remember anyone calling the Americans,"Terrorists".
But drive a couple of aircraft into the twin towers and what are the perpetrators called?

What makes our system different?

There are three distinct branches in the martial arts, and they are

Traditional-based martial arts

Sport-based martial arts

Reality-Based martial arts.

So, how do you know what is right for you?

Traditional-based systems, such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung-fu, and others, are ancient systems that adhere to ancient techniques and training methods. They typically wear uniforms, have a belt ranking system, and require their students to learn foreign customs, traditions and terminology. Found within these systems are fundamental self-defence principals, but they are not structured to teach students modern criminal and terrorism situations such as bombings, armed robberies, drive-by shootings, carjacking's, gang violence, threat assessment, etc.

Sport-based systems, such as Ju-Jitsu, Judo, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Western boxing, and others, have their roots in traditional-based martial arts, but adhere to sporting rules in order to compete in various tournaments, sporting events, or even the Olympics. Like the traditional-base martial arts, viable self-defence techniques and training methods can be gleaned from sport-based systems as well, but also like the traditional-based systems they also lack many modern conflict solutions.

Reality-based systems are those systems that teach the fundamental self-defence techniques that are found in both the traditional-based and sport-based systems, but go a step further by training specifically for modern conflict situations, and eliminating outdated techniques and training methods. Although there are many systems today calling themselves “reality-based,” because they see themselves as training more realistically and have abandoned nonessential customs and traditions, few of them are actually “complete reality-based” systems. In other words, they lack Pre-Conflict and Post-Conflict training in their curriculums and their Conflict training may be lacking simply because they have no real-world experience with criminals, abnormal's, or terrorism.

Jim Wagner was not only the first instructor to articulate that there are these three distinct branches in the martial arts, but he was the first instructor to tie Pre-Conflict, Conflict, and Post-Conflict training together into one system. Just pick up any martial arts magazine dated 1998 or earlier, and you will find virtually no police, military, criminal, terrorism, or reality-based articles within those pages. Through his writings, starting with Black Belt magazine (USA) and Budo magazine (Europe), Jim Wagner opened up the flood gates, and now you see a movement towards more realistic self-defence training and a whole new classification of advertisers in every martial arts magazine globally.

What exactly is the Reality-Based Personal Protection system?

Jim Wagner left full-time law enforcement and formed the civilian version of his system. Thus, on January 21, 2003 this revolutionary system was officially born.

The definition of the term Reality-Based as defined by Jim Wagner is:

Training and survival skills based on modern conflict situations that the practitioner is likely to encounter in their environment (their “reality”), in an accordance with the use-of-force continuum of that jurisdiction.

The Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection system is the world’s original reality-based system, not just because Jim Wagner coined the term for the civilian martial arts, but because it is the very first system to include Pre-Conflict, Conflict, Post-Conflict and the creation of the very first civilian use-of-force continuum graph.

Pre-Conflict training is the foundation for all of our courses which includes, Threat Assessment, Situational Awareness, Conflict Cues (reading a person for hostilities), the O.O.D.A. process, legal issues, criminal counter-surveillance, knowing the Assault Elements, Threat Zone Management, Conflict Conditioning (mentally and physically, training documentation, and much more.

Post-Conflict training are those actions immediately following a physical conflict, such as Self-Triage and Combat First Aid, victim rescues, citizen’s arrest methods, Incident Recollection, evidence identification and preservation, police contact, the Conflict Cycle, courtroom survival, and the list goes on.

Conflict training is where we go way beyond what any other self-defence system teaches. Our techniques come from the world’s elite police, military, corrections, and security units, which ultimately ties into an understanding of criminal and terrorist tactics. We’ll teach you what few instructors are qualified to teach: defence against terrorist bombings and small arms attacks, criminal style stabbing's, carjacking's, drive-by shootings, kidnappings, sexual assault, armed robbery, criminal chemical attacks, gang violence, school and workplace massacres, child abductions, sniper attacks – just to name a few. Of course you’ll learn all the strikes, blocks, and movements common to other systems, but only those techniques that will actually work in the streets or the battlefield. That’s right – battlefield. Although this is a civilian personal protection system, police and military personnel often attend these courses simply because much of what we teach is not even taught in many units and agencies, or in such a comprehensive manner.

14 Apr 2008 16:39

Well, you do have a lot to say for yourself. And it confirms what I have been saying all along, you are weekend warriors, who THINK they know better than anyone else, the fact still remains, you are civvis who are playing at it, as a "hobby" as you put it. You can write all you like about your "system" and about Jim Wagner. I recall talking to a friend of mine who was in the Marines, they were on an excercise with the American marines and one of them asked him what it was like to be a "real" Marine, says it all really, I wonder how your Jim Wagner would fair with the SAS (no doubt you will come up with some story about how he trains them as well, yawn)When my some returns from afgan in about 4 months, I will get him to come visit your school, he will be in need of a laugh.

14 Apr 2008 23:16

Bin Laden is holled up in the caves at Red Rock,
We ALL have to learn control and defence to save outselves from the rush of terrorists that are about to descend on Dawlish the Capital of this Island.
You never can be to carefull your brother sister friend neighbour may have gone over to the other side, be ever alert

Guba guba
Guba guba
14 Apr 2008 23:22

We've got enough reality t.v. dont need reality martial arts.
These all come from the East by interfering you are taking away the essence of what they truly stand for

24 May 2008 19:21

its no longer reality T.V. now is it!!!!!!

i told you so

24 May 2008 20:37

How could having a knowledge of a martial art have been of help in Exeter the other day?

Joey s Fan
Joey s Fan
24 May 2008 22:10

I've just been watching the Eurovision Song Contest and i'm sure Osama was amongst the backing singers in the French entry...

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