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General Discussion

13 May 2008

Yes I know, they pay exorbitant rent for a plot and the land belongs to the Luscombe estate not the council. The council do not own any allotment plots in Dawlish but I stand to be corrected? There is a bill going through parliament as I speak which if it goes through to it's conclusion, will give local authorities the right to impose duties on developers to provide allotments, either on the site ...

the youth of today
12 May 2008

The fact is, parents are mostly to blame. They allow themselves to be suckerd into the belief, that this is normal behavior these days and it's not. It does happen in Dawlish, only on a smaller scale. We live in a world that teaches kids to "look after number one" I have even hear a parent telling his son this same thing, what great parenting that is. No wonder people want to leave the UK.

But I thought these were supposed to be 'upmarket' holiday flats.

11 May 2008

The pigeons should be culled

Does anyone know how he got planning to build those flats on a flood plain and also reduce the value of three flats in Lee Cliff Park by building a brick wall infront of the lounge of those flats even though they objected, also how did he get the protection orders lifted on the three trees he cut down. Was it Brown envelope time??

10 May 2008

What do you think the so called 'rats' call you?

10 May 2008

yes there is the dawlish rep and the amature operatic society and they are always open to new members

Land owned by town councillors or their friends and family?

9 May 2008

Is there an amdram society in Dawlish and are they open to new members?

9 May 2008

Apart from that 'B&Q chic' gaff pretentiously called 'Numer One' is there anywhere else in the town to get a real coffee?