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General Discussion

Its wonderfull
23 May 2008

Are you really that blind to what your councillors really get up to? If you are, then question them, not me. I THINK YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTED BY THEIR DUPLICITY. That is, unless you are one of the sheep who follow in their footsteps like a hollow being.

Sea View Open again
23 May 2008

There's the rub.... Dawlish Town council are so corrupt and steeped in collusion that to stand against them independently would result in being ostracicised by their exclusive club. Are you proud to support a regime so fundamentally lacking in morals and real democracy?

Its wonderfull
23 May 2008

Stop continiously whinging and stand for election then. This place is brilliant

23 May 2008

Then dont moan when we have no jobs, and tourists go elsewhere due to the state of the walk under the platform. The pigeons have thousands of other places to nest.I suppose you dont mind if a child becomes ill then Teresa due to the diseases the pigeons leave behind.

Its wonderfull
23 May 2008

Agree except for one thing......would be even better if we could have a local council which isn't corrupt. This Town is wasted on these greedy, arrogant leeches.

Sea View Open again
23 May 2008

Its simple , put yourself forward at the next elections, then you can fight them

Nail Bomb
23 May 2008

See, my point exactly, on a later topic about Terrorism you lot slated it saying 'it's Devon' stuff like that does not happen down here. There was a guy teaching Self Defence in town and you done nothing but slate what he was doing. You all failed to see the other side of his self defence training. I think he was right in the end thou. Point proven chaps.

School Move
23 May 2008

You seem very proud of the corrupt institutions you mentioned. Are we to assume your snobbery becomes you? Social climbing and class competitiveness is what's dragging this country down. If only competing was harmless....instead it creates divides and elitism, resulting in rejection for some.

23 May 2008

Smalltown rivalry for smalltown minds. So much for education.

You can complain, in wriitng, to Teignbridge District Council's Standard Committee about the conduct of any District, Town or Parish councillor who is a District, Town or Parish councillor in Teignbridge.