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General Discussion

Sea View Open again

Eye Spy
Eye Spy
23 May 2008 14:43

I see that there are now caravans on the Sea View site on Warren Road. Seems Lady's Mile have decided to open it again.

Hmmmmm Wonder why? Oh yes! Perhaps they are weaning campers away from the area on Lady's Mile site that Tesco intend building on.

The thing is.....that Sea View is unfortunately extremely close to the sewage works and there are lots of nasty niffs about in that area if the wind is blowing in the wrong direction.

Rather them than me.

Devon Born
Devon Born
23 May 2008 17:11

Sounds very suspicious..... You can bet your last pound that our councillors know exactly what's going on. They will be networking their little socks off for those brown envelopes, whilst doing nothing to inform the people they profess to represent, what is really going on with the supermarket situation.

How much of a coincidence is it that many of our councillors also run businesses connected to the holiday/tourism industry? The stench of corruption is equal to that of the sewage works! Incidentally , the land where the sewage works reside was sold to SWW by a present serving councillor.'s not greed M'Lord; they really do love their Dawlish Warren.

23 May 2008 21:12

Its simple , put yourself forward at the next elections, then you can fight them

23 May 2008 21:31

There's the rub.... Dawlish Town council are so corrupt and steeped in collusion that to stand against them independently would result in being ostracicised by their exclusive club.

Are you proud to support a regime so fundamentally lacking in morals and real democracy?

23 May 2008 22:13

Whats wrong with being ostracised, at least you wont be a hypocrit. You can tell everyone what is going on, others will then join you.

25 May 2008 18:18

Is Sea-view owned by Lady's mile? Are cofton and lady's mile/oakclife owned by brothers?

D Warren
D Warren
26 May 2008 06:48

I think you'll find the answer is Yes to both those questions.

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