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General Discussion

whether its family church or not, it is still damn right stupid parking there, if that was a load of kids doing that in the week, they would soon complain to the police. Why should they get away with it.??

15 Jun 2008

It's a young family church service, so you are in fact moaning about your own age. I wish the Traffic Wardens would return, cars parked in town all over on yellow lines. Cameras should send an auto fine in the post.

15 Jun 2008

Right....all the old people in Dawlish are always complaining about boy racers, drunks etc in the town but seem to forget on a sunday that it's ok to park there car along the main road outside the church for hours. This causes a high risk of accidents especially coming from the opposite direction. As a driver you cant see around the corners until the last second. I noticed today they are now even ...

15 Jun 2008

Unfortunately our twisted friend has hijacked another thread. Back to the point, hopefully the carnival will be a great success.Its so good to see, so many of the local community coming together and enjoying themselves.This is something that should be treasured as so many Towns and cities no longer have these kinds of events.Once they've gone its very hard to bring them back. It also provides a ...

15 Jun 2008

Nearly forgot Roy (the name you are using today), I'm a Hindu driven out of my own country by Muslim fanatics. I suppose it wont be long before you suffer the same fate. Whether you are black/white, Hindu or Christian, Warmonger or Tree-hugging friend of them, your fate will be the same.YOU are their enemy.Try asking the many murdered and kidnapped voluntary workers in Muslim countries and you'll ...

15 Jun 2008

so you didnt add to the list then Nigel,Viaduct or what ever you choose to call yourself today.By the way , the word was muppett.I suppose your lack of reading ability is also due to dawlish council,yawn ,yawn ,yawn.I look forward to your insane ramblings (under another name),as you try to justify yourself by replying to your own postings. Do us all a favour and leave this website to the people ...

15 Jun 2008

So we have Plymouth and ?, yes loads of them warmonger,you make me laugh Nigel, Viaduct or whatever name your using today. You've got more names than airshows. You forget the Muslims have already invaded and won due to you yellow,tree-huggers that are so blind to what is going on in the real world. The country has gone down the pan, and you know who's fault it is dont you .Yes Dawlish Council ha ...

Dawlish Gazette
14 Jun 2008

crime of the century.hang him from the cctv camera pole

14 Jun 2008

Nigel,Viaduct,Dave..which name will he use next. As for the Airshow that every town has comment. Does Exeter, Torquay,Teignmouth,Newton Abott..the list could go on for ever.....NO NO NO they dont.Dawlish is one of the few, if it wasnt why would 10's of thousands of people flock to Dawlish. By the way, im not from Dawlish but think the carnival is brilliant.

Conspiracy,conspiracy,conspiracy,YAWN. What name will he post under next?