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CHURCH GOers on Sunday

15 Jun 2008 14:32

Right....all the old people in Dawlish are always complaining about boy racers, drunks etc in the town but seem to forget on a sunday that it's ok to park there car along the main road outside the church for hours. This causes a high risk of accidents especially coming from the opposite direction. As a driver you cant see around the corners until the last second. I noticed today they are now even parking on the opposite side as well, WELL DONT BIDDIES.

There have beenmany accidents there in the years due to this, why ohh why is nothing being done about it??

They are just to lazy to park in the road opposite the chuech and walk. THING about it.

Where are the new traffic inforcers on a sunday, why is nothing being down about it.

The biddies are inconsiderate, and they have the cheek to moan at us.

15 Jun 2008 14:44

It's a young family church service, so you are in fact moaning about your own age.
I wish the Traffic Wardens would return, cars parked in town all over on yellow lines.
Cameras should send an auto fine in the post.

15 Jun 2008 15:05

whether its family church or not, it is still damn right stupid parking there, if that was a load of kids doing that in the week, they would soon complain to the police. Why should they get away with it.??

15 Jun 2008 15:07

You are right it is dangerous and has been for years, its most probably got the councillors as parishioners that why there is no change, and to say most of the parishioners are youngsters that is a laugh, most of the yellow lines are illegal thats why you dont get a ticket, try looking at the TSRGD

15 Jun 2008 15:23

i might go around on a sunday and put warning letters under the windscreens, telling them about the dangers of parking there and to think more

local lad
local lad
15 Jun 2008 16:28

Yeh good idea,

15 Jun 2008 20:44

bloody churc goers, no offence but they clog up the roads near me near st gregs and its dangerous im surprised a fire engne or ambulance avent had a nasty smack down there. i know theres no yellow lines there should be. and i agree where are these new traffic wardens as park road is becoming a nightmare and dangerous

17 Jun 2008 15:13

Some drivers are not tollerant enough. Unless there is a blatant case of obstruction like I have witnessed many times (by people who should no longer be driving) in the Strand, then what is the problem.
Dawlish is very, very, very short on parking facilities, don't knock the little pockets we have now.

There are so called drivers, (I don't call them drivers myself) who are in charge of a lethal weapon and yet, of all the number of years they claim to have held a licence to drive, not many of them can. That type are the main problem on our roads.
How many people can filter in on round-a-bout without having to stop? Not many, and the ones that stop the most are women. I am not knocking women, some are very good, but many will never be any good no matter how long they remain behind the wheel. It could be something to do with their thinking power.

17 Jun 2008 15:33

My optician told me there are many young and old who are unable to read beyond the second line on his test board .. yet they do drive. So when a car comes towards you remember they not see where they are going or you! .. heck.

17 Jun 2008 17:00

What the hell is that all to do about the church goer's.

It is a stupid place to park out the church if you cant see its a problem then get glasses yourself IDIOT!!

It is inconsiderate and dam right stupid place to park. They all have legs so use them. Park up by the hospital and walk - there is plenty of parking there.

The point im getting to is that they complain about dogs off the leads, kids screaming, kids on skateboards, drunks, loud noise etc etc etc but dont worry about what they are doing wrong, i came round there on sunday and nearly hit a car as its a blind spot on that corner and with them parking there its stupid, i have got an old car now to which i dont mind bumping, i m ight just drive past and knock the wing mirrors, im sure if i kept doing that they soon wont park there again.

17 Jun 2008 17:22

i m ight just drive past and knock the wing mirrors,
Lateral thinking there then.

18 Jun 2008 08:08

im going to write up a short letter and put it under there wiper blades just explaining the dangers of parking there and if they could kindly park elswhere.

Im sure if they went in the church and asked GOD he would help them with safe parking. im sure he dont want any more codgers in heaven

18 Jun 2008 09:36

Thanks for the info, I wondered where us old codgers went when we pass on! Not that I care a toss when I'm gone.

18 Jun 2008 22:02

crucify them

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