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Cooking with Tallyrand

RECIPE VEG - buckwheat roast (vegetarian)


another non meat dish from my past Nepalese trainee, quite a simple & quick dish to prepare. Essentially a version of the infamous nut roast. The Napalese word for it I did not record in my notes unfortunately, so if anyone knows it please let me know

the recipe contains white wine which I thought unusual, but was informed he would normally (at home) make it with ''roxi'' a drink made from fermented millet

it was served to me with pan fried morning glory, that had copius amounts of chilli added to to it. I have had these greens many times in Hong Kong & Singapore and love them, they are a form of spinach 


vegetable oil   sq
chopped onion 100 gm
chopped sage leaves 1 tsp
chopped rosemary leaves 1 tsp
buckwheat  100 gm
chopped button mushrooms 200 gm
white wine 100 ml
vegetable stock 200 ml
chopped walnuts 100 gm
spinach 200 gm
  1. pre-heat oven to 180C
  2. heat the oil in a large frying pan over a low to medium heat
  3. add the onion and herbs, cook gently for 3-5 minutes until softened 
  4. add the buckwheat, stir through and cook gently for 2 minutes
  5. add the chopped mushrooms and stir through  
  6. add the wine and stock and simmer gently until the buckwheat has softened (approx 20 minutes), adding more water if required
  7. when softened strain away any excess liquid and stir through the walnuts
  8. place to one side 
  9. wash the spinach, shake dry and add to a hot pan to wilt, remove, squeeze dry and chop finely 
  10. add to the mixture and stir to thoroughly combine 
  11. taste and season 
  12. lightly oil a loaf tin and press in the mixture tightly
  13. place in the oven and bake for approx 30 minutes until the top is crisp and loaf is form to the touch 
  14. remove from the oven and allow to stand for 5 minutes in the tin
  15. turn out and serve 

chef notes

nice when served drizzled with a fresh tomato sauce and a crisp side salad

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