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hmmm's Posts

People dont see any wrong in spending big money in a pub. So put on a few bets you just may go home with more money in your pocket than had you been in the pub! I go to neither betting shops and prefer online, but there is clearly a call for two outlets here.

So everyone that comes to Devon is an 'idiot' now. Oh dear what the heck is a matter with Dawlish people. I order my shop online so you car drivers do what you like..I also go by bus and have no problem with that and you would have to too if your sight does not allow the pass required. If the bus doesnt go where and when I want to .. you have to just put up with it.

My goodness sad you have to post that on Christmas Day. What is a matter with people? At least we know what your mind is full of.

Marks and Spencer
21 Dec 2007

I hear YOU are leaving town!

Images on website
27 Apr 2005

you obviously didn't read all the changes HRH did you as some were location changes.