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Daisy's Posts

Thanks Erica, at least someone got the jist of what I was trying to say. Ive nothing agains improvement its just that the poor girl was trying to contact frriends and the conversation went completly off the subject.I just felt a bit sorry for her. I moved down here about 7 years ago and I love living here, I just dont let little things like the state of Bow windows get me down.

29 Mar 2005

Alex and concerned. What happened to the answers for the person looking for friends. I see she does'nt have much info, but stop bitching about bow windows. Someone's trying to start up a proper conversation and you've both turned it into a opertunity to have a moan again. Are you never happy, is there anything you DO like about Dawlish? If not why dont you move. Its not that bad here, yes so ...