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Smuggy 5

Smuggy 5's Posts

I bet you love larging it up in the foam parties!!

A meatball is a generally spherical mass of ground meat and other ingredients, such as bread or breadcrumbs, minced onion, various spices, and possibly eggs, cooked by frying, baking, steaming, or braising in sauce. A faggot is a kind of meatball, a traditional dish in the UK, especially the southwest of England, Wales, and the Black Country. It's made from meat off-cuts and offal, especially ...

"You are the sunshine of my life", always goes down a treat. So to speak.

I might give it a whirl. Anyone got a start I can use?

Just had a look on ebay for you - there's loads out there selling for about £1 to £2 each. Might be a nice little earner!

Smuggy 5
4 Aug 2008

I must be a, what's the word, dullard for putting my Name in the Subject field and vice-versa! Oh how they'll laugh at me. HAHAHAHAHA

Can anyone recommend any good red wines available for up to £10? I'm liking the Wolf Blass cabernet sauvignon at the moment, equivalent of £7.60 from (case of 6 = £45.54). What red wine do you recommend and where from?

I'm currently scouring the internet for some inspiration for a nice dinner menu, and am not having much joy. So, please post your dream dinner or dinner party menus which I can shamelessly steal. Many thanks!

Hahahahaha. The other one I do that to is "Ooh, Danone". It's irresistible!

Favourite Walk
4 Aug 2008

If you've every walked through Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo, on the morning after a heavy snowfall, you'll now it to be the most magical walk in the world!