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phil herup

phil herup's Posts

a mobile adult shop could be a very profitable idea. it could have curtained partitions for a little discretion and maybe play a tune like the icecream vans so people know when its coming.

9 Mar 2008

having made an initial viewing of the property, it was decided that it didn't meet our needs. Basically, size was the problem i.e. not enough space for having extra rooms. We may look again in the area but Teignmouth may be next on our list. Thanks for everyones comments - phil

18 Feb 2008

i have just seen that there is a clothing shop for sale in a prime dawlish location. i am planning on coming shortly to assess it. Does anyone have any opinions on the opening of an adult shop in Dawlish? I believe there is nothing like that in the town and believe that I can expand my business in this area and also create a few jobs for some of the locals. Views appreciated please.