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DJ's Posts

you can't judge a terrorist by the colour of their skin now, many are religious converts. Best thing is not to judge a person by the colour of their skin or where they are from, but by their actions

just seems Taylorjack is back to his illiterate offensive self

I've always presumed people on here do.  Why would you think differently?  And yes, I do live here.

Totally agree with you Brooklyn Bridge, that is the sort of attitude we actually need.  People coming here to make a better life for themselves, well I have very little problem with that.  People coming here to take advantage, to refuse to integrate, to demand this country changes its traditions and even laws to suit their own versions of it, then no thanks.  Just look how Christians etc are ...

"No trick or treat"
1 Nov 2013

Loads of pumpkin recipes around and lots of articles I've seen people have been encouraged to use the flesh to make something to eat so you may find that the number who just throw it away is a lot less than you think Carer. Still better than agricultural land being turned over to create bio-fuel to run yet more cars

Russell Brand
25 Oct 2013

Have seen him on Question Time and it changed the way I see him.  He came across very positively.

EDL Demonstration
24 Oct 2013

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire I think this quote sums up exactly how I feel about the EDF marching.  It is part of the rights and freedoms of being a citizen of Great Britain.

23 Oct 2013

It would be far better for people to ignore the EDL parade, that way they get the least publicity possible.  Having another parade on the same day is just an excuse to cause more problems.

Prisoner Voting
16 Oct 2013

new definition of irony - prisoners, who are only there because they broke the law, getting annoyed with politicians because they say they are breaking the law by not allowing them the right to vote

I think it is irrelevant which party they are or if they backed or didn't back the "bedroom tax", if any MP is claiming money for housing larger than 1 bedroom (and frankly why they can't put up with a studio apartment or bedsit I don't know) then they should not be allowed to do so.  I have no problem with MPs who live a distance from Westminster being given some financial help to be based in two ...