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DJ's Posts

Shutterton Industrial Estate is the actual name of the road itself. It is a private road, but the owner is Teignbridge District Council, so it is their responsibility and not the Highways bit of Devon County Council. The area was renamed Dawlish Business Park some years ago, but the road name remains and the Shutteron Industrial Estate sign off the A 379 that used to point to the recycling centre ...

I am concerned with this because I drive on that road as do many members of my family.  Does that mean I'm not concerned with other things?  No!  It just means, on this thread, at this time, I chose to respond about THIS thing.  Did I watch that video and think "oh I cannot be shocked/surprised/outraged or comment about this because roberta might want me to be more concerned about her views on the ...

24 Jun 2015

I did wonder that - or Coastguard or Lifeboat. But even if they were, it doesn't excuse the danger they put other road users in driving like that. And I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to break the law like that to get to a shout. Still reckless driving however you look at it.

Anti-Austerity March
21 Jun 2015

Last year Teignbridge faced protests from some quarters about cutting the verges down when they were at their most useful to birds, bees and butterflies. Wild flowers and unmown verges are a haven for wildlife and insects. Yes they may look a bit messy but how nice to see nature of this kind being able to flourish.   This may be an accidental side effect of budget restrictions, but I for one ...

That is a very good article Lynne, thank you for posting it. When I moved out of my parents home and set up home with my partner, we had to go to the next County to find somewhere we could afford. And we ended up buying a new build tiny 1 bedroom starter home. The estate had a great mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses on it which meant a great mix of age groups. Our neighbour had downsized on ...

It never ceases to amaze me that Margaret Swift can turn even the most innocuous sounding subject into another session of "me, me, me, it's all about me". You are a politician of the worst kind, you've forgotten that your are supposed to represent the views of ALL the people in the area you represent, taking all sides of the argument into account, and not just your own narrow view of the world. ...

Dawlish Is Happy
19 Dec 2014


I seem to remember Anne Marie Morris was advocating a breakwater right back when the damage was done at the start of the year. She may be saying an additional route but she certainly didn't seem to be suggesting getting rid of the Dawlish section. It it seems that the LibDems have jumped on the breakwater bandwagon that was already rolling, no doubt they are hoping people will forget they ...

That's really useful to know, thanks for posting that Lynne. My parents regularly go to London for hospital appointments and they use an Oyster card but I don't think they had any idea you could do this. I will pass the info on to them

All sounds pretty sensible to me.  It gets rid of one of the big bins outside my house, that usually has just about enough in it to cover the bottom of it and no more when it is collected fortnightly.  We have a home composter bought from the council a couple of years ago and that works very well for us as it does for a lot of our neighbours who also use home composters.  Anything from the garden ...