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General Discussion

So how else would the Lib Dems generate income for us? Or will it be cuts in other services?

6 May 2015

So how else would the Lib Dems generate income for us? Or will it be cuts in other services?

I know in Dawlish Central the 3 Independent councillors will have to declare a pecuniary interest but if you exclude them are you comfortable with a party political council and no independent voice?  And how do you square that with predetermination?  I take your point on there not being a whip but we all know about deals bring done in corridors and selling your soul to the devil!  I'm yet to ...

5 May 2015

@Lynne What if you vote LibDem on Thursday and those councillors don't end up on the Planning Committee?

Keep up Margaret, they were his words not mine, which is why they were in inverted commas.

4 May 2015

And if you want to be taken seriously on this site, you'll first need to get your facts straight. Yes, let's have a fight over who was first to post about community composting. @Gary Taylor, I think you're the last person to be the self-appointed arbiter of credibility on this site.   As soon as you put yourself up for election you used the Warren Farm thread to spout your party ...

Just the Greens by the looks of it!

That's the best post I've ever read on here.

30 Apr 2015

Increased population = increased demand = growing economy.   GDP is increasing and immigration has contributed to higher tax receipts, it's just not being spent where you want it.   By not investing in schools, housing, health service etc the oxygen supply is cut off and everyone chokes, not just the 300,000.   No one can agree on an optimal population because no-one knows.

30 Apr 2015

Nope, not buying the excuse that immigration is our problem.  As for saying it's a typical LibDem/Labour attitude, that's nonsense, the Conservatives only started chirping about it since they saw UKIP steal their ground. The eradication of social values initiated by the Conservatives and compounded by financial mismanagement by New Labour was a generational game changer in this country.  Farage ...

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