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burneside's Posts

The reference to "too much money" is about how much poorer the EU will be when one of its largest net contributors is no longer paying into the coffers, but instead of cutting its cloth to suit its new means Juncker just plans to make the remaining members pay more.  How very EU.

Let's see if the council will allow a private group take over a public facility.

You mean a few hundred people out of 13,000, who responded to a consulation, want a play park.

Deeds not words
7 Feb 2018

Isn't it already illegal to pay women a lower rate for doing the same job as a man?

All those lorries, all that pollution.  Perhaps we should eat food that is more local to us.  When I was young we ate according to the season, it was no great hardship.

During the 70s & 80s parliament thought it right that the accused in sexual assault cases were granted anonymity, perhaps because those kind of allegations carry such huge social stigma that live with the accused for the rest of their lives, even if they are subsequently found innocent.  And, of course, there are the serial rape fantasists out there: ...

How did we ever manage before the single market came into effect in 1993?

How do you know that three men agreed with me, or is that just your usual arrogance thinking you know it all?  In the 70s & 80s both parties in sexual assault trials were granted anonymity, I can see no earthly reason why that law was scrapped.  When it comes to judicial matters men are second class citizens, but then that suits the feminazis.

1 Feb 2018

One thing we do know, if a man had actually been charged then his identity would have been plastered across the media, even before any guilt had been established.

And yet the government has allowed hundreds of terrorists to return to the UK and disappear back into the community.  More terrorists incidents waiting to happen.  It beggars belief.