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burneside's Posts

Already opted out.  I can see this being abused by governments, it's what they do.

Has there ever been a single NHS GP practice that has turned private and denied "free" healthcare to its patients?

9 Oct 2022

It's a private GP practice, not NHS.  Private GP healthcare is available to anybody who doesn't want to use the NHS.

3 Oct 2022

On the evidence of two old women doing their shopping you've concluded that the NHS is going to start charging for its services at the point of use?


@carer The plain stupid are the people who wear masks and believe that they actually make a difference.

25 Mar 2022

@carer I haven't worn a mask since July, and not even had a hint of a sniffle since then.  I will never wear a mask again, no matter what the government mandates.

25 Mar 2022

Surgeons and theatre staff wear masks to prevent respiratory droplets contaminating the surgical area, nothing at all to do with preventing viral transmission.  By the way, the eyes are also an entry point for viruses to enter the body, perhaps the neurotic mask wearers should wear goggles when they go shopping?

24 Mar 2022

Masks are theatre to make people feel good, that's why most people are longer wearing one.

19 Mar 2022

You can't keep the country locked up for something which is now a mild illness, and always was for most people  The economy was trashed because of the endless lockdowns and restrictions, we should have moved on a long time ago.