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stephen15's Posts

It has today closed again due to the same norovirus bug.Both restaurant and hotel have closed.

Was In Barnstaple as well. As for train times probably a fault, has happened down here as well.

@Michaelclayson post(12.48). Well said Michael but unfortunatly that what happens. We should be talking about important issues.

@Carer . I totally agree. Hideous is putting it mildly.

@Lynne .You are correct.

@webmaster . thank you very much.

13 Feb 2015

@Webmaster. Why was my post reported on February 1.23PM? I have only just got my Internet Connection back after moving , and I thought It was perfectly Innocent post.

It Is Moving through tonight and to-morrow and Saturday should have sunny Intervals.

@Mcjrpc . No, I had no Internet connection. I just recently moved. Not the plesure of her majesty.

10 Feb 2015

Hi everybody. I`m back, after a enforced absence. Now whats my favourite bunch of people been up to? The Usual I should Imagine.