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ken's Posts

Well done Ziggy for using to do something that is good for the town, without nastiness

Yes sorry Clive have a view but away from laptop at present and typing on android with its missing characters on drives me mad.

Pirate's Chest photo
26 Jul 2014

Surely the sea wall and under the viaduct is under the jurisdiction of Network Rail.

So thats it then the people of Dawlish have already bought and paid for the lawn so no need to pay Teignbridge District Council a lease for 30 years, and I agree with Mcjrpc lets have the 1906 Bandstand back with Sunday band concerts throghout the spring and summer. In addition please give the black swans a fighting chance by bringing in some new blood. Haven't things changed since the Yellow book ...

Chelmsford hospital is even more robbing, the visiting time is two hours but the minimum charge in the car parks is three hours at £6.00

8 Jul 2014

I have made many complaints to RD&E about the fact that you must pay in advance for parking and not pay on exit. Exeter has 2 4 or all day charges, so in almost all cases you end up over paying for parking. Whilst I have no complaints over the treatment I have received I do think that the hospital sold the parking franchise without proper review.

7 Jul 2014

That would be England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have this very biased formula for funding that allows them much greater freedom at the english tax payers expense.

7 Jul 2014

From watching the news today I think we will all soon be paying twice for the NHS, once from general taxation and then from charges being raised from things like going to see your GP. I think the days of the NHS being free at the point of use are numbered.

Never mind what it is called, we had a nice walk in the rain to Red Rock Cafe today and enjoyed our cup of coffee and bread pudding. Well worth the walk.

Any body walked through the pedestrian part of Secmaton Lane it is full of dog poo. Children walk this lane to gatehouse school, never mind training the dogs its the owners that want training. PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG?