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Nelson's Posts

Thanks Nelson for the reply.But No luck.I am looking for live video tab.I do not know what`s happened but It did work,but not and do not work. does work. What do tourists say on their postcards?. Oh yeah. Wish you were here.

P.S. I must add that the train journey between Exeter and Newton Abbot is one of the most wonderful in the country (just make sure you have a window seat on the left-hand side of the train).

28 Jan 2012

Now then, now then. "Rush hour" is more than an hour on the trains. Doesn't off-peak now start at 10am during the week? How's about they use the recent price rises to put on more carriages during the peak times, for the commuters who would rather not drive or catch the bus? Only putting on 2 carriages at 07:45 from Dawlish and 2 carriages at 17:21 from Central is a disgrace. I'd like to think ...

A Radical Idea
28 Jan 2012

Thanks for feedback everyone. It needs to include the likes of Stokes and Lloyd Maunders and others who are complaining about the a drop in turnover - not just the big boys that Brazilnut mentioned. Dare I also include Sundays in the equation? At least Ryders is now open on Sundays - well done to them.

South Downs
28 Jan 2012

Just been for a walk around that neck of the woods, and I noticed that the homes on South Downs Road and its vicinity are all relatively modern. I wonder if anyone objected when these homes were built on what was presumably a greenfield site until fairly recently? I'm not saying that there's hypocrisy at play. I'm just saying......

Stop the RBS Fat Cats
28 Jan 2012

Happy birthday Lynne! The sun is shining - enjoy your day,

FAO stephen 15 , huggie 24 , jools 88, myiqis 120 and any other names and numbers who keep asking about the webcam, try:

A Radical Idea
27 Jan 2012

Why don't local shops open when consumers are available to spend their hard-earned cash? Despite what you might read, a lot of people still work 9 til 5, and those people will therefore make their purchases at a time that's convenient to them. Unfortunately, too many shops in too many towns only open at hours that are convenient to themselves. I shopped at Sainsburys at 7pm tonight. Despite the ...

South Downs
26 Jan 2012

Thanks for the very quick response Brazilnut. I know exactly where you mean now, and Messrs Heath, Large & Co (sound like solicitors lol) are absolutely right to campaign to protect that pocket of land. Good luck to them.

26 Jan 2012

Whereabouts in Dawlish is this beauty spot? Thanks.