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Dawlish News

black lives matter
11 Jun 2020

Been watching the BBC news and NOTHING about blacks in Hackney beating up two police, one of which was a WPC. W L M

8 Jun 2020

OMG. I'm Traumatised. Us white English have been invaded by the Romans, the Normans, and then by William of Orange. The Romans definately made us slaves and we were slaves/servants of the Normans. Now then, let's all go round the country pulling down anything of Roman and Norman heritage as I just can't sleep. What about those poor Catholics who have to look at William of Orange's ...

7 Jun 2020

Who is George Floyd ???? A violent criminal with a rap sheet as long as the Mississippi River who likes pointing guns at pregnant women stomach’s, but hey ho he was a loving father who would do anything for his family apart from work for a living. WLM

7 Jun 2020

@DEEDOODLE That's because blacks are more responsible for gang warefare, Drug Dealing, Rioting, Looting, Racism, Violence, Hatred, Disrespect, Knife Crime, Shootings, muggings. Now, you will go and scour the news for reports of white people doing it but in real life, I rest my case. WLM

7 Jun 2020

BTW, Racism works both ways. I was spat at by black people some years ago. What was my crime? Being WHITE!

5 Jun 2020

If leatash is correct about Floyd's drug taking, passing forged currency, and resisting arrest, then yes, it IS his own fault. "Those who live by the sword, shall Die by the sword".

3 Jun 2020

Any excuse to go looting, burning and destroying businesses.

Can't wait to see it finished. It will look great.

Why not? They seem hell bent on spoiling everything  else.

More gutter filth cleared from our streets.

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