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Dawlish Man

Dawlish Man's Posts

Perhaps PJD, you should emigrate? Hey you could join your financially and morally bankrupt ally Jim Davidson overseas, couldn't you? My definition of a racist is someone who hates another person or groups of people because of their colour, creed, or nationality. You fit that bill my racist friend.

21 Apr 2010

So if my parents were born in Bangalore but I was born in Exeter, you'd have no problem with me? Just my parents?

What are peoples thoughts about the lead story in the Gazette re. the August Bank Holiday festival to be held at Warren Farm? Licencing has been obtained for 14,000 people to attend each of the 3 days, from 11am to 11pm. I say good luck to the organisers, looking at the wider picture it could be very profitable for the town.

Who is this "indigenous population of this Country"? I wouldn't label you as a fascist. More of a racist.

21 Apr 2010

"Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock." Thank you Oscar Wilde. Did you know that nearly all of Switzerland's laws are in line with EU laws? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to trade with EU countries. Surely to God you don't want us to lift up the drawbridge and stop trading with the EU? I wonder though if you like the recently passed Swiss law ...

20 Apr 2010

How blinkered. If you can tear yourself away from the Daily Mail's xenophobic headlines for just a minute, you'll find that we would lose far more than £45 million a day if we were to weigh anchor and set ourselves adrift from our economic union with all of the EU member states! User4549 - you're anti-immigrant aren't you? Can you please explian why? And how does this hatred of immigrants equate ...

20 Apr 2010

What a ridiculously empty gesture.

20 Apr 2010

So you're voting for the scrapping of 3 million British jobs that are linked to our successful political and economic union with Europe? You're happy to reduce our GDP by £360 per person? You'd prefer that we didn't have guaranteed holiday pay? That maternal and paternal leave be reduced to what it was 10 years ago? Maybe these don't affect the aged demographic of the UKIP support, but think of ...

17 Apr 2010

I saw today that UKIP managed to dig up three stereotypes to tout their xenophobic bile outside the old bank. Utterly laughable. I'm looking forward to reading the manifesto of Independant candidate Keith Sharp. Is it on-line anywhere? Because after reading his letter in the Dawlish Post this week, I really could do with another good laugh.

Excellent news! Let's hope that the weather is kind for them.