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Lynne's Posts

And so, some 18 months later from the last post and to return to the original topic of this thread - this land is now having work done on it. Challenges made as to why no new housing development allocation in Dawlish

18 Aug 2023

See below for the Environment Agency's response to TDC (my emphasis in red) "SCOPING OPINION REQUEST FOR UP TO 200 DWELLINGS LAND AT EXETER ROAD DAWLISH DEVON Thank you for consulting us on the EIA Scoping Opinion for the above development. Environment Agency position We need to highlight that there are serious flooding and drainage problems within the ...

Andrew McKenzie, the Town Clerk for Dawlish Town Council is a fourth-year undergraduate student at De Montfort University, Leicester, undertaking a small research assignment and is seeking your views on public toilet provision at the Manor Gardens. A short survey is available to complete until 5 p.m. on 22 August. To complete this survey, please visit ...

To achieve a good representative response please also share it with the families that you work with, your friends and your family. Please post this link on your website, in your newsletter and on social media platforms. Survey closes Sunday 10th September 2023

5 Aug 2023

If you know of any parents of young(ish) children who live in Dawlish and immediate area please can you encourage them to complete this survey. Thanks.

The deadline for making submissions re this Scoping Request is Friday 18th August 2023.

30 Jul 2023

Back in February 2022 one of our (then) Dawlish district Cllrs made an interesting comment at a TDC planning committee meeting when he pointed out that TDC losing the Appeal for what was to subsequently become the Redrow housing development had cost TDC £300,000.

29 Jul 2023

Or, we could all just be realistic and accept that whether or not this development gets the go ahead will have absolutely nothing to do with what any of us thinks about it but everything to do with whatever central government planning/housing policies happen to be at the time. So, even if a planning application gets submitted and subsequently refused by TDC (on the grounds, say, that the land ...