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Lynne's Posts

So if you aren't advocating that people should vote SDA then why do you keep going on and on and on about them and posting their candidate's election address.? If you didn't want people to vote SDA then you wouldn't be doing that, would you? PS I see that the SDA candidate openly admits that "Labour isn't putting up a fight  here".

17 Jun 2024

And your telling peole to vote SDA time and time again isn't also wearing thin?

17 Jun 2024

I do not take it for granted AT  ALL that the Labour Party will have a massive majority. It could turn out to be another 1997 on the other hand it could be another 1992. That is why tactical voting is needed if you don't want another 5 years of Tory government.

17 Jun 2024

Well, for those who do not wish to have a further 5 years of Conservative government it seems to me that we have to have as few Conservatives (re)elected as possible. And the best bet in this constituency is, as you freely admit, the Lib Dems.

17 Jun 2024

According to this analysis it is the Lib Dems. Tactical voting | General Election 2024 Tactical voting › all A-Z of UK constituencies .

Well back in 2009 (and for some years after that) there were quite a few people who posted on here and even more I suspect who read the threads. Both numbers have declined over recent years. Time on here wasn't wasted then - what started me off was  the threat of a supermarket being built on Sandy Lane playing fields. I log on to this website out of habit.  (right now is a perfecct  example) ...

14 Jun 2024

@ TRB On both those websites that you have provide it says (albeit in small writing) that no tactical voting recommendation can be given yet for N.Abb. I'm signing off for a while now. Tis only me and thee and a handful of others that are reading what we are writing anyway so all a bit of a waste of time really.

14 Jun 2024

The constituency of Newton  Abbot is something like number 377 on the list of Labour Party target seats. It is a 'learner' seat as far as the LP is concerned. An LP member told me very recently that as they want a Labour government they wil be casting their vote tactically in Newton Abbot in order to have a greater chance of unseating AMM. They intend voting Lib Dem.

14 Jun 2024

I think Reform UK will also take votes off the Labour Party.

14 Jun 2024

I wonder how Reform will do in this constituency? Thoughts anyone?