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General Discussion

Or, we could all just be realistic and accept that whether or not this development gets the go ahead will have absolutely nothing to do with what any of us thinks about it but everything to do with whatever central government planning/housing policies happen to be at the time. So, even if a planning application gets submitted and subsequently refused by TDC (on the grounds, say, that the land ...

27 Jul 2023

The developers have submitted a scoping opinion to TDC. Ref 23/01389/SO The link below should take you straight to the relevant planning page should you wish to register your thoughts on what they are proposing.  I see no reason why we should not express ourselves on both the Scope and any subsequent planning application. Should anyone reading this have posting access to Eyes of Dawlish ...

20 Jul 2023

I have just come back from this presentation. The reason this land was not selected for future development is because it lays on the Dawish Warren Critical Drainage Area. There is an increased risk of flooding in the not too distant future at Dawlish Warren and the Shutterton Area due to higher tides. I will post links to the DWCDA and future higher sea water level at Dawlish Warren. Please ...

Planning application granted.

If anyone is interested in the outcome of the scoping request re this proposed speculative development it has recently been put online. To access it, go to my first post on this thread. Click on documents (44). Then click on Decision Notice 13.7.23

Despite no land whatsoever being identified for further housing development in Dawlish during the recent public consultation exercise for the emerging local plan - this does not stop local landowners/developers trying to beat the system (the proposed Hensford Park development being a case in point) and proposing land and plans for development Now there is another speculative planning ...

This planning application (ref 23/00181/FUL) is on the agenda at TDC's planning committee meeting on 18th July. Planning Officer recommendation is that it should be approved.

Are you aware of the consultation regarding the closure of the Dawlish ticket office at the railway station? The Town Council is very concerned about the impact on blind, disabled and vulnerable people as it will reduce accessibility to the station. There is only until the 26th July to comment. The online form can be completed:

This planning application has now been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate on the grounds of non determination by TDC. Go to TDC's planning portal and type in 23/00006/NONDET to read the Appeal documents

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