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General Discussion

THE Labour Party’s decision to put Newton Abbot on its list of ‘non-priority’ general election constituencies has been welcomed by the man who wants to wrest the seat from the Conservatives . Lib Dem Martin Wrigley, who leads Teignbridge Council, will stand at the election expected in 2024, aiming to unseat Tory MP Anne Marie Morris. Read more here ...

Just a reminder.

Gatehouse farm house, which for a short while operated as a child care nursery but which ceased functioning as such in 2019, has been given planning permission (@ 18.12.2023) to be converted into two residential dwellings.

This link should take you to it. then click on "view webcast". Child care sufficiency report item runs from 59 mins - 1.18. Cllr Wrigley speaks from 1.04 - 1.09.

22 Dec 2023

"SIX new potential childminders have come forward in Dawlish in a bid to meet the chronic shortage of provision in Devon. The crisis in childcare has been most clear in the seaside town where the town council has made its own efforts to recruit more childminders. Dawlish has been highlighted over the last year for its lack of provision for parents and identified as one of the ‘hotspots’ in ...

From TDC's website. My emphasis in red ( I've responded by saying there should be more child care infrastructure for 0-4 year olds given the number of new homes in the district with accompanying young families). "Chance to have your say on developers' levy More than £100 million is expected to be raised in the coming years to fund essential infrastructure through a levy ...

This is the text of Dawlish Town Council's submission to the Teignbridge Local Plan (2020-2040) Addendum Consultation (SWRRP = South West Rail Resilience Programme). Resolved that the committee would submit the following comments on behalf of Dawlish Town Council: Dawlish Town council would like to comment that they are happy with the removal of the 3 sites, Southdowns Road, ...

If anyone is interested in knowing why no sites were selected it seems that the main issue is that most of the land lays within the Dawlish Warren Critical Drainage Area and for the time being at least the Environment Agency has put an effective ban on any more development there due to flood risk. (The Persimmon ongoing development, and the yet to be started developments at Gatehouse and Secmaton ...

These are the reasons why the land was rejected a few months back by TDC councillors for future housing development, after TDC planners had put it forward for consideration. For why it was put forward by the planners see my comments in the post above (no land allocated in Dawlish for housing development in the emerging Local Plan 2020-2040). "The site encompasses land between Dawlish and ...

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is planning to implement monitoring of the bank accounts of all individuals receiving pension credit, universal credit, and employment and support allowance. Publishers Benefits and Work have reported that almost 9 million claimant bank accounts will be monitored.13 hours ago. The government's amendment is such that it would have the powers to access ...

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