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b.o.liking's Posts

Sorry about spelling of previous but did try to be polite by leaving the S out of arse

27 Sep 2011

This whole scheme is government sayng to Teignbridge and others that if you want to save your jobs and avoid redundancies then sell land and bring in more council tax. After watching a video from a previuos subscriber where is this modern rail network for all those commuters and as for those roads.I suspect someone has got their head up the ar-e. Some will make a lot of moneyout of this but it ...

26 Sep 2011

It seems Teignbridge has sudden attack of house building in the areas they control both here and around Newton Abbot. Firstly where are the 1600 people who are in desperate for the housing,secondly the affordable housing will be bought up by people with surplus monies as an investment. Another thought is the roads to Dawlish with bottle necks in Dawlish itself /Starcross and the usual stop and ...

Selfish dog owners
26 Jul 2011

Dear Ziggy Point I was making that cat owners give up their responsibility once the cat flap opens and its ar-e is skidding across my lawn. It seems the owners get the love we get the c--p.

24 Jul 2011

Why not be a lazy dog owner and get yourself a cat.

The reason for closing Shutterton refuse was because of it's cost, so did they already have it in mind to charge us at Newton Abbot/Exeter, If this is the case Shutterton could have made us pay and save us the journey. As the sign near Newton Abbot says something like Look after the environment share a Car. Better still turn off the sign and sack the bureaucrats.

12 Jun 2011

After making my first visit to Newton Abbot rubbish centre since closure of Shutterton I was presented by some jobsworth a sheet of charges on things that could be disposed of. On reflection is this loud of b....cks just another way to increase council tax by stealth Cut the bureaucrats and stop the inflation proof pensions.

Tesco's Appeal
17 Feb 2011

Just how many supermarkets are needed in Dawlish and cannot Tesco accept any decisions given against them. If Tesco cannot accept any competion from other supermarkets then what will be their attitude to local shops.

The funds for the tip are already provided for by the council tax and any cuts should be made elsewhere.How much of our tax is spent on inflation proof staff pensions. It will also cost far more to clear up the new sites that will open up in the nearby countryside.

23 Jan 2011

I understand the need to save money but to shut the tip at Dawlish? So much for a green policy of hundreds of cars driving to Newton or Exeter using petrol and the exhaust emissions they produce. Why not dump the underworked and overpaid bureacrats who thought this one up.