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General Discussion

NOW OPEN: The footpath from Lea Mount park down onto Marine Parade has reopened today . Thank you for your patience while this path has been closed – this was necessary to keep everyone safe when we have been undertaking our resilience work on the cliffs between Dawlish and Holcombe. Please note that not all paths over Lea Mount are open yet – please see the map for details. For ...

Dawlish Museum
7 Apr 2024

The next Table top sale will be on Saturday the 20th of April from 10am until 1pm so please share if you can , many thanks. We have lots of new to us pre loved bric a brac to sell, including more children's toys this time and local artist Carole Scrivens has generously donated many of her original cute animal and flower paintings to sell to raise funds for the museum. Mounted 10" x 12 " animal ...

3-way traffic lights have been holding up traffic along Exeter Road and Sandy Lane all week. There doesn't seem to be any work being carried out. Anyone know what is going on?

It's time to have your say. The Strand Centre is looking for YOUR feedback and suggestions on how it can better support the community. But you only have until March 31st to get your responses in!! We want to ensure that we are meeting the varied needs of our residents. To do this we are seeking your views on how The Strand Centre is currently being used and it's future role within the ...

@TRB, I've updated it for you.

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