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Quaker Oats

Quaker Oats' Posts

I'll get me coat :)

19 Apr 2007

I take it you're not one of the individuals that has been publicly named and identified by persons in this forum. I take it you have not been called a thief, liar, corrupt, Nazi etc. I take it your business has not been the subject of uncorroborated critisms; that may have had a detrimental impact upon your livelihood. I take it you have not had your otherwise good name and good character made ...

18 Apr 2007

Step One. First, identify the person who has allegedly libelled you. If anyone is foolish enough to think a pseudonym ensures anonymity, their naivety is astounding. There is no such thing as anonymity on the internet. Just ask majenka (the owner of this website) to let you have the IP number of the machine that wrote the article you think is libellous. As everyone knows, each computer in the ...