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General Discussion

How to sue for libel.

Quaker Oats
Quaker Oats
18 Apr 2007 23:24

Step One.
First, identify the person who has allegedly libelled you. If anyone is foolish enough to think a pseudonym ensures anonymity, their naivety is astounding. There is no such thing as anonymity on the internet.

Just ask majenka (the owner of this website) to let you have the IP number of the machine that wrote the article you think is libellous.

As everyone knows, each computer in the world on the internet, has a unique IP number. Every posting to this forum includes the senders IP number.

Step Two.
Ask (or compel via a court order) the appropriate ISP to disclose the precise location of the senders machine and also the name and address of that machines' internet subscriber.

And then voila, you have the name and address of the person(s) whom your legal advisers might consider taking action(s) against.

Step Three.
Instruct your legal advisors accordingly.

Be nice to each other wont you.,,1737445,00.html

local guy
local guy
19 Apr 2007 18:57

why would u write that, this is england pal not fookin america

Quaker Oats
Quaker Oats
19 Apr 2007 19:14

I take it you're not one of the individuals that has been publicly named and identified by persons in this forum.

I take it you have not been called a thief, liar, corrupt, Nazi etc.

I take it your business has not been the subject of uncorroborated critisms; that may have had a detrimental impact upon your livelihood.

I take it you have not had your otherwise good name and good character made the subject of defamatory and unsupported derogatory remarks.

You might think otherwise, if you had.

20 Apr 2007 11:02

I have viewed this site for a long time now and can't recall anyone being called a thief. liar and corrupt.

Also I can't see why criticism's have had a detrimental affect on someones livelihood. If someone posts something negative about a local business then there will always be another who will dispute that with an exchange of view. I thought that it was good to have a debate and that is what these discussion forums are all about.

local guy
local guy
20 Apr 2007 14:24

LOL i must have missed the post about the nazi's plz send me a link, as for ppl callin others liars etc it wouldnt bother me, i been called alot worse and everyone is intitled to there opinion

Quaker Oats
Quaker Oats
20 Apr 2007 17:49

I'll get me coat :)

wild primroses
wild primroses
20 Apr 2007 20:40

"We all know that Bush (mayor)has lied many times in the local paper, but he seems to get away with every time, ..."
jambuster 22.03.07

"Lies, damned lies and the Mayor of Dawlish, the Reverend Doctor Tom Bush"
Rainbow 20.03.07

"... attend more council meetings to see what your servants are up too. They are not there to help the local community, their first thought is and always has been, "what is in it for me?""
rainbow 18.04.07

"You dont really expect the truth from this council, did you see town clerk winchester outrageous comments re "dogs slaughter swans" what about foxes and he didnt mention that they had sold five."
jambuster 14.04.07

"Mount Pleasant Inn is a right rip off place.
£6.50 for 2 pts of guiness, now there's a bargain and who is the landlord? none other than the a town councillor by the name of Wally Protheroe."
rainbow 14.04.07

"well thats dawlish warren its geared up for the grocs why not try in town its a lot cheaper there and not as shit as the mount or boat house"
montyburns 15.04.07

"You dont really believe that the council work for us, they are little hitlers with their own agenga and no regard for the residents of Dawlish."
jambuster 28.03.07

"they do work for themselves to line there own pockets just like that that tom bush bloke
all he is interested in is getting money from where ever to fuel his jaguar the so called councellors are only interested in what benefits them thats it the truth"
gus23 12.04.07

"If you have a very bad Town Clerk, you will inevitably get a bad council.
Lets hope that after the May elections there will be councillors who are prepared to take him on and not pander to his expensive needs.
We need a Clerk that is honest and does not mislead people.
Who employed the one we have now? "those other dishonest members of the council", I wonder?"
rainbow 05.04.07

11 Aug 2008 12:45

Some things and some people (person) never change.

11 Aug 2008 18:09

Wot a load of poppy-cock.
Libel and slander is only applicable if something written or said is not true.
If it is true, how can it be libelous or slanderous.
The truth hurts, that is why so many get up tight with it. Perhaps that is why porridge oats is getting hot under the collar

The webmaster of this site would be foolish to release deliberately anyone's details if he had them. All he can access is your computor's identity not where you live. Webmaster could if he wished stop people from subscribing to the forum, and if he thought there was a need, then I am sure it would have happened along time ago. Until it happens, everybody enjoy it.
If you do not like what is written, make no comment and pass on to the next topic.
Only BT can release that(by court order) the address of a person who has registered with an ISP. Someone seeking such information would need a very good reason to obtain it.
Every 7-10 days BT change the migration codes for security reasons.
Try changing your ISP and you will find out what I am talking about.

12 Aug 2008 19:14

Viaduct. I hear the info has already been obtained. Local newspaper is looking for a great story about the goings on with this website.

12 Aug 2008 19:17

we will all be there with viaduct. the follow on stories will be even better. bring on pandora!

12 Aug 2008 19:26


12 Aug 2008 19:31

Local Newspaper?! Don't make me laugh! Especially with Tom Scobie (ex councillor)in Councillor Protheroes back pocket! We will cut out the amateurs and deal with the Nationals......oh Pandora....

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
12 Aug 2008 19:42

Looks like someone missed the point.Three times.Anon, Viaduct , anon classic. but you dont multi post do you!

12 Aug 2008 19:51

im not viaduct, or roy. cant wait for the huge exposé in the gazette (the paper so low in circulation they have to advertise it on the front of the 'non dawlish news' dawlish post).

remember what they sat about people in glass houses

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
12 Aug 2008 20:32

You been on the pop again"sat in glass houses"hmmm. next you'll be throwing insults about cancer again.

The only person who goes on about exposing the council is you Roy/Viaduct. Everyone in Dawlish is waiting for it, but it never happens.Your just full of shit.

Looks like you've still missed the point that was made above.

12 Aug 2008 20:37

what point was that? you must be more erudite oh chicken. how could we share with you, when it has to go through authoritative channels. going to be fun though, once one timber goes..

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
12 Aug 2008 20:41

Looking forward to it. But i'll probably die of old age before it happens, as you've been promising it for so long.

I think the post from anon was about you, but then your too thick to realise that or too waisted

12 Aug 2008 20:46

veiled threats are your domain chicken. what is your obsession with alcohol? are you desperate to get to your local?

dont go near dawlish sea-water!

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
12 Aug 2008 20:54

Roy/Viaduct, you spend your whole life making empty threats.
Someone puts a post on here about you and you come out with clap-trap.
my guess is a reporter and his cronies that you have written is about to expose you.

I suggest you expose them first, with all the info you have. Good luck and take care, i'm off to the other forum.

12 Aug 2008 21:02

far from empty, all in the timing. as for your guess, all a bit vague as per usual. enjoy your drink. dads website good, no other websites of any merit exist.

12 Aug 2008 21:40

Strange how Chicken Shed always responds with rotary and roundtable type threats or suggestions of threats. Typical behaviour of a member.

13 Aug 2008 21:34

other forum looks good.

13 Aug 2008 21:48

no other forums. google dawlish and you get this site. thats why your kind dont like it. exposes you for what you are

Chicken shed
Chicken shed
13 Aug 2008 21:54

Blimey Roy/Viaduct you've excelled yourself with your last rambling post. There coming to take you away.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates
14 Aug 2008 07:56

Do you not realise that there are ways of masking forums so that they are hidden from view? All you need to do is ban the Googlebots.

To be honest though, I guess that because the other forum is new, Google hasn't picked up on it yet.

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