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japper's Posts

You are right it is dangerous and has been for years, its most probably got the councillors as parishioners that why there is no change, and to say most of the parishioners are youngsters that is a laugh, most of the yellow lines are illegal thats why you dont get a ticket, try looking at the TSRGD

Town Council Vacancy
13 Jun 2008

Voice of Freedom, I have to make a guess as to what you are, just like you have to do, and how do you know what and if I do anything with regard to the Council, well idiot, I have attended council meetings and had discussions with them. HAVE YOU?

Civil rights and freedoms are disappearing so rapidly under this government its breathtaking.

Town Council Vacancy
12 Jun 2008

VOF and Anon Sorry but you two have put a complete load of rubbish here you obvously have not had any dealings with the Council or your are Councillors, I have and also been to many council meetings seen for myself how they act. you two have your heads so far up your rear end that all that comes out of your mouth must be brown.