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silver birch

silver birch's Posts

wouldnt know Ime a veggie seriously where have all the ducks gone maybe its something to do with health and safety

5 Feb 2008

I rfeckon they go into kebabs

5 Feb 2008

All i can say its very sad to see any tree decimated does it count toward carbon footprint

5 Feb 2008

It will take years for them to grow back to their former glory.If they are going to let them grow back then why do it in the first place? surely a bit of pruning would have been sufficient!If it was because of the roots causing damage thats illogical because they will be growing even stronger to regain their growth. I thought they built the new pavement (at a huge cost) because of the trees.The ...

5 Feb 2008

Soon they will say the majority of the trees on the lawn are a danger because they produce conkers and we all know they are a "hazzard to the public" remember the lovely old yew tree in the manor who do these people think they are,