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General Discussion

Green loss
17 Jun 2018

Lynne in answer to your reply to leatash. If there were not so many immigrants there woul be no need for more construction workers to construct all the infrastructure. We now need more of everything, but not if the demand was not there. There has to be a point in time where something has to give. This part of his speech:- Powell was concerned about the current level of immigration and argued ...

17 Jun 2018

Lynne, you may remember the famous speech by Enoch Powell. Well instead of the government trying to prove him wrong all of the time, show us that he was right in most of what he said.

16 Jun 2018

As Lynne has said. "But the problem is that although immigration is unpopular, it is needed and will not stop when we leave the EU. Already the government is lifting the Tier 2 immigration cap so that non EU doctors and nurses can come and work in this country." If there wasn't so many immigrants, then there wouldn't need to be required - more doctors, schools and housing. Immigrants ...

I wouldn't have thought it would be anywhere near Coryton Close. It runs along the Bartons and then probably somewhere to the lower side of Platation Terrace. So that is where (maybe) it runs through private property. If that is the case, I wouldn't have thought it would be that difficult to find a path to the Wheel in the Brunswick.

16 Jun 2018

So if the wheel has no further use, what is the point of keeping it other than I suppose as a tourist attraction. I am sure a way could be found to bring it back into use by the original method. I only once followed the leat from the Newhay, down to its outlet at boat lake. Where on that part did it run through private properties?

16 Jun 2018

I remember when the water from the brook was diverted and turned the wheel which is now turned by ELECTRICITY. I understand that the flow of water was stopped from running in that leat by John Hoare (Owner of Luscombe estate). Why that happened, I never found out, perhaps someone else has the answer. It would make sense if the wheel could make electricity, instead of using it to make it go ...

Green loss
15 Jun 2018

So where does the pressure on demand for more housing come from? And if the demand is as great as it is made out to be, then why aren't the house builders taking advantage of it. After all, we are always told it is supply and demand, so if the demand is there, why not fulfill it?

14 Jun 2018

LOSS OF GREEN AREAS INCREASES BY 58 PER CENT, CPRE SAYS Analysis by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has suggested that the amount of farmland, forests, gardens and greenfield land lost to housing development each year has increased by 58 per cent. So developing on the lawn will add to this loss even if it is only to develope a play park.

Dogs on Lawn plus.
12 Jun 2018

Lynne, just like parking controls, it should and would be self finacing. If it is'nt, then the enforcers have done a good job by not having people breaking the bye-law or they have not done a good job and the burden of employing the enforcers fall on the tax payer and dogs roam around at their pleasure.

House of Faser
7 Jun 2018

Show's how much I know. With the demise of many of it's stores throughout the country I didn't know that Exeter had a House of Fraser store.

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