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BOO HOO's Posts

Oh and just another thing wtf is Anne Marie morris....hiding in her bunker until the media come here with their cameras?

HuwMatthews2 .... and I though the CIA killed Kennedy because he tried to pull the troops out of the Vietnam war. Which as everyone knows was making certain firms in the U.S, an absolute fortune supplying the War effort. I also wont mention the fact that an excessive amount of troops sent out there were not of the pale complexion.

Being an old fart who has had the sad misfortune to be born in the U.K and had to endure decades of bull from politicians. I have slowly, over the years, evolved an inbuilt bull s££t translator. Which has been working over time with politicians saying how the government will cope and the NHS. Batten down the hatches... World War V is here and the incompetent are in charge. God save us all.

Ha ha ha

17 Mar 2020

UK government continues to drag their heels and seemingly carry out their 60% infection goal of the uk population. Supposedly using school children as the carriers as they are intent on keeping the schools open until easter holidays. Interesting how the China infection rate has plateud possibly because they have now immunised the rest of the population through the drinking water ...

All they seem interested in is building them as quick as possible and selling them. Chances of anything being completed is slim to none as time goes on, in my opinion.  Poor quality and finish....turds with gold plating is my impression of some of these new housing estates. You only have to watch as the houses go up before all the shoddy work is covered in render, from what I have seen on ...

Numerous planes leaving Dubai for Dublin, Madrid, Geneva and on and on

You would hope not considering the state Dawlish has slid to over the years.

Just checked flightradar24 on Android platform and there are thousands of planes ferrying people all over the planet this morning!!!!!