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BOO HOO's Posts

not that i could see at 11:00 hrs this morning, but the wood slats for the tilledj roof that was detiled sometime ago seem to have gone now. I thought this was a listed building. the only reason it has got to this state of disrepair has ben engineered by those who own it, in my opinion. for the sole purpose of screwing as much profit as possible ouyt of the site again in my opinion.

5 Aug 2020

Riding on the sea wall says it all. I wouldnt be suprised if its parents and grand parents are just as well brought up. You have had at least 4 generations of humans brought through the education system now. With a strong bias on the students can do what ever they like and very little, if any consequences, but if a teacher crosses the line they will most probably lose their job and career. I ...

The sea wall
30 Jul 2020

Just wait for all the skate boarders, scooters and push bikes. The sea wall path is lovely and smoooooooooth.

Its the first year i have not heard it at all, miss the deep hardcore techno base. i will have to fire up my own sound system this year..

@Lynne ....may be so, but when it comes to a private business running one of Britains NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURES and being bailed out countless times it should not be the way its run. All national infrastructures need to be re nationalised.

24 Jul 2020

sorry just doesnt cut it. Dawlish has had to suffer enough from decades of ineffective maintenance of the sea wall. The wall has endured over a hundred years of the sea but was maintained. The only reason we are having all this work done is because of lack of proper maintenance and trains that cannot endure a bit of sea water. COMPENSATION IS OWED TO DAWLISH FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS OF WORK THAT ...

Initially i wore a p3 rated repirator and goggles to go to the supermarket because of the publicised risk of shrivelling up and dying if i did not. After  a while i just got so stressed wearing the stuff i stopped wearing it. I have not had any real issues from not wearing the ppe other than much lower stress levels whilst i do my shop. So why now, nearly 4 months after the lockdown, the ...

Cycling along the sea wall and fell off?

Initially i would wear a p3 respirator and goggles when going to the supermarket eaxh fortnight, but the amount of stress that induced in me days before i actually shopped was terrifying. looking at the info on the internet and the fact that the stats foir this virus have been poorly managed to include any and all deaths the last few months. i decided not to wear my ppe and emtionally felt a ...

Interesting to know how many calls were physically attended by officers in an effective time scale. Not a lot I would have thought. There's more senior coppers lording it up at their H.Q;s than officers on patrol I would imagine.